i want to give money to a charity, like sponsor a kid or something, but i'm not sure which charity to go with. i was wondering if anyone knew about charities, like which ones are better?
uno...dos...tres...el shoompo
Give a buck to the gimme a buck guy!

The web address is
Give to the AMerican Red Cross or the Salvation Army.

Those two, I believe, do the most good. Do NOT give ANY money to Amnesty International. Where they report the same things as RC, they do jack shit about it. Usually just whining or trying to get petitions toghether. Useless shit like that. If you're going to give money to any charity, research it and see how much overhead there is and how much of your money goes to the actual charity. Nothing is worse than donating money to find out that most of your money goes to the running the organization rather than to the actual charity. Lastly, check what charities Paul Newman donates to.
Give it to Nature Conservancy. Save our environment, which benefits everybody Smile
Anything that helps people is good. And i dont mean like giving a bum on the side of the street a dollor. I mean like re cross, for the children, something with the enviorment. Just look some up on the internet, there are lots.
Every year I always give to the Muscular Dystrophy Association (the one with Jerry Lewis' telethons) -- they're an admirable organisation that tries to find a cure for neuromuscular diseases:

As a matter of fact, on his telethon one year, Jerry suggests giving $25 to charity each year, splitting up $5 for each charity he recommends:

March of Dimes
Heart Association
Cancer Society
United Negro College Fund
and, of course, MDA (which he reminds viewers to donate to first).
babyeater0 Wrote:Give a buck to the gimme a buck guy!
Hahahah! Just glanced at his home page.. I wouldn't even give him a penny.

Homeless Joe, ever seen those commercials where they show little kids in poverty? I feel so bad when I see those. I think it was something like .37 cents a day can give them shots and some food. If I were to donate, I'd look into one of those.
I just thought of something, why dont you give some money to help a political party, like the green party, so we dont have such shitty choices for president.
I'd say most kiddy charities are pretty good. But the Red Cross and Salvation Army are probably pretty good choices too.
yeah, i wanted to sponsor a kid. but i was wonder if anyone knew off hand which charity is the best for that, like how much actually goes to charity, cuz i'm kinda lazy and don't really want to research it. so if anyone knows that'd be great and if not, then i guess i'll have to research it tom.
uno...dos...tres...el shoompo
Nina182B Wrote:Homeless Joe, ever seen those commercials where they show little kids in poverty? I feel so bad when I see those. I think it was something like .37 cents a day can give them shots and some food. If I were to donate, I'd look into one of those.

We call this 'Foster Parents plan'. I don't know if this is international or just in our country but you pay a monthly contribution and 'adopt' a kid in africa. In return you get pictures of the kid and you can write letters to them and they will write back. Excelent charity and you get something back for it.
Definately do your reserch on the Foster Kid charities, I have heard about a few who were skimming off the top what they were getting. But no matter which one you choose you should find out as much as you can from outside sources before you give to them
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
i give £2 a month to Oxfam

and give blood coz thats not a charity but a charitable cause to help our fellow man
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

Oohh... good one... I donate blood every six months. There is a serious need for that worldwide and it doesn't cost anything except for some time.

Coming soon... the Import-Anime blood drive! I wonder if we could talk JJ into donating discounted shipping or something for people who can prove they gave blood (selling plasma doesn't count).

There are so many good charities to donate to.
Personally I'm fond of my local SPCA, the Red Cross, and the Salvation Army (they get my small clothes). About the only charity I can think of that I refuse to give money to is United Way. Over 80% of the money they raise goes back into operating costs and not the charities they say they are working for. There are other charities out there with similar cost vs. charity ratios and I don't like that at all. I understand the need to spend some money to cover operating expenses but when you have that much money coming in and 80% of it gets spent on administrators, accountants, TV commercials, special pins, posters and other nonsense then I believe the money has been wasted.

I'll have to see if I can find the web site that lists what charities receive vs. what they donate. I remember seeing it once and some of them just scared me. United Way stands out as a worst offender though.

Then there's PETA... never ever ever give them money. Pay close attention to what they want and you'll see that they have some fairy tale mentality with cats, dogs, and other animals having free run of our streets without any worries about dogcatchers. Penn and Teller did a great special about them on their show Bullshit. I highly recommend watching this show because these guys are straight shooters. They attack everybody they feel is feeding people a line of bullshit. They attack conservatives as well as liberals on that show with equal relish. Most episodes are available for download from if you can't find it where you live.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
yeah, i give blood all the time. i'm afraid of needles though and half the time i give, i almost faint. but i still give cuz i can.
uno...dos...tres...el shoompo

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