Christopher Reeve Dies
babyeater0 Wrote:Now that he is paralyzed he THINKS IT IS A CAUSE WORTH NOTING (not that I disagree) but if it had not been for that horse accident, I highly doubt that he would have given any thought to giving a ten dollar check to these admirable charities. You see all he wants (or should I say wanted) was to keep in the newspaper, nothing more.

Most people don't pay attention to stuff like that until it hits close to home. Let's say right now, you see a blind person, and you're probably like 'Darn, too bad that guy has to be blind' and then you forget about it 5 minutes later and never give it another thought. But if your mom or your father or someone close to you is blind, you will be much much more sympathetic towards blind people and probably donate some money to charities that help blind people. It's human nature. You're not any different from Christopher Reeve from that aspect.
-spike- Wrote:I think he would like to be hated by every possible person on this forum. Atleast thats what I can figure.

Agreed, I don't think he gets the attention at home or school. Let it slide though, I think he's only 14 and we all know how stupid we were at that age. Best comic book podcast!!! Come and join in!
evilomar Wrote:Agreed, I don't think he gets the attention at home or school. Let it slide though, I think he's only 14 and we all know how stupid we were at that age.
hehehehe, yup, well said!!! or else he could just be a cynical fucker
see you space cowboy...
sanosuke Wrote:hehehehe, yup, well said!!! or else he could just be a cinical fucker

I'm cynical and yet I understand perfectly well what Vicious said because that's also how I feel. It's very natural for a person to only really care about something after he/she has direct contact with it. Being cynical doesn't mean one can't feel that way. It's also true that most of us were pretty stupid at the age of 14 but I think this is something even a 14 year old should realize.
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
I just don?t like to be disrespectful to the dead without a powerful or personal reason. Christopher Reave didn?t really care about any of the charities before his accident, but he wasn?t even in the news for a long time until the incident either. There was nothing wrong with using his fame to help people. If anything, the things he had to say where more sincere since he was in the same boat and had once been famous. Christopher Reave didn?t live for himself at the end of his life and the impact he has had on our world goes far beyond the movies he did. He was a great person and it is sad that he is gone.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe
I have a question for all of you !
do any of you right now holeheartedly care at all for charities ?

im guessing almost all of you answered no. because you are not affected by something to care at all. btu that would change if something happened to you wouldnt it. thats what happened to Christopher. when he was affected by a disibility he started to care and see what he could do to help. so if you think he is bad for that you are very low in my book. im sorry but he was a great guy for helping others like him and what have you done? huh?

so before you choose to post crap think first.
and also i bet he did care about some charities before his accident. people just dont care to remember. also i my self have done alot of stuff for charities because it has affected my family and i choose to help to make our family stronger and the community better.

So think and take in what i said cause hell one day you might just be affected by a disibility and well i hope that never happens but it can so just be careful.

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Last Exile Wrote:I have a question for all of you !
do any of you right now holeheartedly care at all for charities ?


Actually, I can answer yes to that question. Every summer my family and I host a child from Belarus(its near russia). This is where some of the worst fall out from the nuclear plant that exploded a while back. So basicly these kids are living with radiation every day, its in thier food, in the ground they walk on and all around them every day. By hosting one of these children every summer, it has been proven that in one summer they have become healty enough to add one year to thier life. ONE SUMMER! Im not even talking the whole summer, he only comes for 6 weeks. But does this nuclear fall out directly affect my family and I or even american? No. About 100 kids come every summer from Belarus, most of them grow about 2 or 3 inches and gain about 10 pounds. Most when they first arrive are incredibly skinny, unhealthy skinny. So why does my family do this, because we can.

I also work at the food bank every thanksgiving and christmas to pass out food to the people that cant afford it. I dont have to work there and waste my thanksgiving and christmas dinners. But you know what I do, and I do it because my family has the money to have a big dinner like that. Why not help those that are less fortunate and cant have things like that.
Last Exile Wrote:I have a question for all of you !
do any of you right now holeheartedly care at all for charities ?

im guessing almost all of you answered no. because you are not affected by something to care at all. btu that would change if something happened to you wouldnt it. thats what happened to Christopher. when he was affected by a disibility he started to care and see what he could do to help.

I think that's what I just said. :confused:
i am not starved for attention
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