asian fetish
kakomu Wrote:yes, however, you don't hear a lot of people lavishing tons of attention on them, do we? Japan is a country that is not at all endearing to foreigners.

And in my opinion that happens because people in a general way know very little (or nothing) about Japan, and that includes both the good and the bad. I mean, I was like that. Before I took an interest in Japan I thought of it as a far, far away country where a bunch of hard working computer whizzes lived. That is how most people still think of them and it really isn't a very atracttive image. Most western people care more and know more about America and Europe because these two continents are close to each other and have similar cultures. Those people have no idea how beautiful the architecture in Asia is. To them Venice is gorgeous, London, Paris, Berlin and yes these places are beautiful but China, Japan, Cambodia also have a lot of beauty. The majority of western people aren't aware of that. If people aren't lavishing tons of attention on them it's because they know nothing of them and have a preconceived idea.
From what I've heard many people who've been to or lived in Japan say Japanese are rather fond of foreigners and in a general way treat them well. Besides, if there are situations where foreigners were victims of racism in Japan there are also many situations where Japanese were victims of racism when they were abroad. Racism exists everywhere not just in Japan.

Cidien Wrote:Asian women to me are much like black women. They have some of the most beautiful women in the world but the majority of them are butt ugly. You only see pretty Japanese girls on tv but I only know one Japanese girl in real life that I think is cute. The rest range from plain to harmful to the eyes. Mean to say, but true.

Japschin Wrote:Isn't that generally true for ALL ethnicities, not just Asians/blacks?
There are beautiful Asians, Blacks, Caucasians etc but there are plain ones too. This is not just constrained to just women, men are included.
It just depends on how great your 'Great White Man' syndrome is. You may think that your ethnicity are perfect but others may see your ethnic group as unevolved hairy apes?

That might be true to you Cidien but not to me (and possibly not to many other people). I believe there are just as many beautiful Black women as there are beautiful Caucasian women, Asian women, etc. The same goes for men. It happens that people don't usually react in the best of ways to what's different from that which they know. If you spend all your life among Caucasians you are bound to prefer that type of familiar beauty. In the same way if you become more in contact with people of other ethnicities you'll, in time, become more sensitive to their type of beauty. I'm very sensitive to beauty, all types of beauty, and I find men of different shapes, sizes, ages and ethnicities to be drop dead gorgeous.
And yes there are many plain looking women out there but what is plain to you isn't necessarily plain to others. Those pretty girls you see on tv are many times quite plain themselves after they take off all the makeup (which is a miracle worker). Something which you can see here:
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
I don't like everything that is japanese. I can vouch for that racist japanese fact as I have ran into a few but they were ugly japanese so I guess the outside reflected the inside on those few. But I know what your talking about Kak. I remember the days when I didn't know anything bad about japanese culture but now I do I am a little discriminatory as far as liking stuff. I think it is the fact many don't want to believe that japanese are racist as they have met nice ones but trust me as soon as you run into something that someone told you that turns out to be true you soon start to believe it as you have ran into a perverbial brick wall.
People here in Portugal descriminate Gypsies because they are bad and dangerous and drug dealers and I have a very good friend who had serious problems with them. Her father was beat up and the entire family had to go into hiding and yet I personally don't have anything against them. They have never done me any wrong and even if they had that wouldn't mean they're all bad. Just because some people are racist doesn't mean an entire population is and the opposite is also true. I think I just like to give people the benefit of the doubt. Innocent until proved guilty.
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
Homeless Joe Wrote:and asian fetish sounded like such a promising subject....
And what is your Asian fetish? :p
My Asian fetish is Japanese food! Ahhh, I love to eat.. and the meals are so beautiful to look at.

Kakumo, I think it's normal for people to start having an Asian fetish after watching anime. If you really get into something, it's only natural to become more interested in the culture that produced it. If you are talking about those people who start to prefer everything Japanese/Asian over other ethnic tastes, seems like that person has an obsession.

Morgorath, you brought up Asian women seen on magazines/tv/media. I remember back in the 80's, there would be movies like American Ninja and a few others I can't remember the title. But it would always be an American guy with an Asian girl. Back then, I didn't see an American girl/Asian guy couple. I think a fetish for Asian women started because of things like that and the personality that goes along with it (submissive, good housewife, obedient) Lucy Liu is a favorite of mine because of the characters she played in Ally McBeal and Charlie's Angel.. an independent tough girl.
i think there are a lot of beutiful women regardless of their ethnicity. i also think there is a lot of beauty in people that others just don't see. the image of beauty that the media beats you over the head with isn't the only form of beauty and really shouldn't be used as a standard.
uno...dos...tres...el shoompo
kakomu Wrote:yes, however, you don't hear a lot of people lavishing tons of attention on them, do we? Japan is a country that is not at all endearing to foreigners.

This is mainly because you're going by what you hear in an anime forum. I'm sure if you polled a hundred or a thousand random people on the street, Japan wouldn't be number one or even in the top 10 of which cultures interest them most.
Vicious Wrote:This is mainly because you're going by what you hear in an anime forum. I'm sure if you polled a hundred or a thousand random people on the street, Japan wouldn't be number one or even in the top 10 of which cultures interest them most.

Mostly because the topic of the thread was about anime fans. Not random people. Anime forums, regular forums and many of the people I've known in real life. THey all have a weird thing in common.
Nina182B Wrote:Kakumo, I think it's normal for people to start having an Asian fetish after watching anime. If you really get into something, it's only natural to become more interested in the culture that produced it. If you are talking about those people who start to prefer everything Japanese/Asian over other ethnic tastes, seems like that person has an obsession.

I'm sorry, but I don't see it that way. I don't see a lot of people lusting over Japan after playing Japanese made video games, except for people who play RPGs, but then again, many of them are also fans of anime. There is a definite correlation between playing a lot of RPGs and watching a lot of Anime.
I went through a stage of "Wow, everyting Japanese is cool!" That was even with knowing things like their racism, and military influenced (if not based) society. The rape of Nanking is a good example of both. Then i asked myself why i was so enthused, and i cooled it a bit, but anime is what introduced me to any Japanese culture points, which intrigued me. I'm still considering becoming a Psych major and International relations minor/major in order to increase smooth relations internationally. Big goal, but who knows?
Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?
kakomu Wrote:There is a definite correlation between playing a lot of RPGs and watching a lot of Anime.

That's why you see so many people cosplaying as Final Fantasy characters at anime conventions.

kakomu Wrote:Mostly because the topic of the thread was about anime fans. Not random people.

Oops. Yeah. Somewhere in all those posts, I forgot about that.
kakomu Wrote:There is a definite correlation between playing a lot of RPGs and watching a lot of Anime.

You're absolutely right about that, IMO. RPG's are like an anime, only you get to control the characters and live the adventure yourself instead of just watching it.
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
gohan32 Wrote:I'm still considering becoming a Psych major and International relations minor/major in order to increase smooth relations internationally. Big goal, but who knows?

Noble goal in my opinion.
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
I don't call this a fetish, I just find Japanese and Korean women more attractive then American European women. But I don't call it a fetish because I view latina and Middle Eastern women the same way. just a personal preferance
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
My Asian Fetish.

I think naked Asian Girls who wear just white Socks in an big soft bed, Candlalights, romantic J-Pop, after a wonderful Day, with walking, ice eating, cinema, handholding, much heartbeating is not really a Fetish, or is it...

or Bukkake.... :eek: Big Grin

And that wouldn't work with a non-Asian girl because...?
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]

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