asian fetish
So what is it about people who like anime that turns them into creepy people with asian fetishes? I mean this in all seriousness. While I may have been intrigued at the Japanese culture from time to time, I never seemed to turn into raving lunatic mode or take the mindset of the oft times racially prejudiced japanese. In the end, I'm just curious what it is about anime (whose characters more often than not have western features more than asian features) makes people lust after asian women, want to learn Japanese and all the nuances of the culture and want to visit and become japanese?
I think you are mixing two points... I can see how people who begin watching anime want to learn more about the Japanese culture (i.e. the language) but become lustful after Asian women... I think that comes from the movie, magazine, and TV industry. Face it unlike other races (White, Black, Hispanic, what have you) Asians get put into three types of roles. Above Average Computer Geek who can solve things most people get sick thinking about. A store owner of rare and foreign objects that change the whole story. Finally beautiful women who want to please and are submissive. Honestly tell me the last time you saw an ugly Asian women (between 16 to 30) on TV, in magazines, or TV.
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
I think it is just obsession. When they realise they are not Japanese they then overcompensate and turns it into a vicious cycle.

On a side note, is anime one of the few non-western pop cultures?
For me I started to go after asian women a long time ago. :p The first ones I liked were chinese so I am not on the hook as far as liking japanese women first. I only started liking asian women cause they are more easy going then some stuck up white girl with a silver spoon in her mouth. And another thing many asian women don't use the stupid "not my type" response. Which if I may add is total BS and is tottally overused.

Plus nothing makes a chinese women happier then hearing you're pretty in chinese from someone who isn't chiense. Wink
morgorath Wrote:Honestly tell me the last time you saw an ugly Asian women (between 16 to 30) on TV, in magazines, or TV.

Do the VA's with the f'ed up teeth in the Extras on anime DVD's count?
Because I like anime and manga very much I wanted to know more about the people who created them. This was not a special case I always want to know more about everything. But as I discovered more and more about the Japanese culture I fell in love with it. I guess it's because their culture is so different from mine and yet has so many similarities. I don't have a fetish for Asian men but I do find many Asian men to be beautiful in the same way I find many African, European, American and Australian men to be beautiful.
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
morgorath Wrote:I think you are mixing two points... I can see how people who begin watching anime want to learn more about the Japanese culture (i.e. the language) but become lustful after Asian women... I think that comes from the movie, magazine, and TV industry. Face it unlike other races (White, Black, Hispanic, what have you) Asians get put into three types of roles. Above Average Computer Geek who can solve things most people get sick thinking about. A store owner of rare and foreign objects that change the whole story. Finally beautiful women who want to please and are submissive. Honestly tell me the last time you saw an ugly Asian women (between 16 to 30) on TV, in magazines, or TV.

I am not mixing two points. When I say asian fetish, I don't mean lusting after asian women, I'm talking about lusting after anything asian, period. Japanese culture is neither glamorous nor even sane. Their hierarchical institutions, insistence on patriachical society where age governs over intelligence, their racism, their attraction to tradition over change (which bites them in the ass continuously) and their prejudism towards women. Weird shit where they have to have seperate train cars for women, because they get fondled on the way to and from work or their (continual) prominent elitism that just about every surrounding culture hates (especially Korea).

Any normal person I've talked to that I've told them about this found this to be rather sickening. However, my theory is that many anime watchers don't want to believe that the people who make their favorite shows could possibly be fallable. When I hear anime fans talk about Japan, I don't think of this wonderous culture, but a culture with just as many problems as any other, most of which rooted in years and years of tradition that their unyielding patriarchical leaders will not change from.

I really don't understand it at all. It's as if people don't even want to know that these problems exist. As if the traditional American anime loser doesn't want to believe that were he to go to Japan, he would be shunned not only because he's an Otaku to them (worth shunning by the Japanese people), but because he ISN'T Japanese. A lot of people I've spoken with won't believe that could be true.
kakomu Wrote:I don't think of this wonderous culture, but a culture with just as many problems as any other, most of which rooted in years and years of tradition that their unyielding patriarchical leaders will not change from.

Exactly! A culture with just as many problems as any other! That's exactly it, or do you think your culture is perfect?! Rolleyes I know of all those problems in Japan and about some more and I don't deny them. The thing is I like the Japanese culture for its good AND its bad things. It's like loving a person, if you truly love a person then you love the good and the bad side. No culture in the world is perfect and to tell you the truth there are cultures way worse than the Japanese and countries way more racist than Japan!
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
Andromeda18_ Wrote:there are cultures way worse than the Japanese and countries way more racist than Japan!

yes, however, you don't hear a lot of people lavishing tons of attention on them, do we? Japan is a country that is not at all endearing to foreigners.
Vicious Wrote:Do the VA's with the f'ed up teeth in the Extras on anime DVD's count?

i think i have seen alot of those !

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


kakomu Wrote:yes, however, you don't hear a lot of people lavishing tons of attention on them, do we? Japan is a country that is not at all endearing to foreigners.

but your only hearing people who are already interested in the culture lavish japan with attention. i watch anime all the time, but it doesn't mean i think that highly of japanese culture, of course i don't think badly of it either, every culture has good and bad points. but i do agree with you partialy, it seems that people who watch a lot of anime tend to become entranced with the japanese culture, but that's their deal, and i don't really care. i think if you want a better idea of how most people feel about japan, an anime forum is not the best place to find out.
uno...dos...tres...el shoompo
Quote:Originally Posted by kakomu
I am not mixing two points. When I say Asian fetish, I don't mean lusting after Asian women, I'm talking about lusting after anything Asian, period. Japanese culture...

Japan is a country that is not at all endearing to foreigners.

I am pointing out the very first 2 sentences of your last post. I am confused yet understand your point. Just help me verify a few things. First are you making a direct correlation that people who view anime have a slanted view on everything Asian or just the Japanese culture? Second I believe that anything yes I mean anything where a person has a passion for something they will over look the majority of the bad points. Take baseball for an example. Since the strike overall attendance is still down, the players won't submit to a drug test, major records may be throw out due to doping, and yet people who still love the game keep coming.

Next Japan loves tourist and each year invest more money into the industry to help promote it. Look at this for a moment... Something that comes of the free airwaves daily in Japan, we will pay for out the ass for on DVD. Even though we may know little about it. That is a hook most countries wished they had. Another hook is that amidst the plethora of Asian countries Japan offers the most western style while still holding a firm grip on tradition. Yes you?re right it has come to bite them in the ass a few times, but when has American not fallen flat on its face either.

You know your same argument could be made by any other country about America. Why are so many people fascinated by America? Does it really offer a better chance at life than say Great Brittan or Egypt? Is there less racism here than in other countries? (not if you listen to the news or Dave Chappell) What is the lust power we bring that makes the terriost want to destroy it so much? I think you are looking at an interest (anime) that develops into a want for understanding. I love my anime, have lived with Japanese culture for 3 years and while I understand more on why certain animes get made I still don't grasp their entire culture. And that in a way makes me more interested...
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
and asian fetish sounded like such a promising subject....
uno...dos...tres...el shoompo
Asian women to me are much like black women. They have some of the most beautiful women in the world but the majority of them are butt ugly. You only see pretty Japanese girls on tv but I only know one Japanese girl in real life that I think is cute. The rest range from plain to harmful to the eyes. Mean to say, but true.
Isn't that generally true for ALL ethnicities, not just Asians/blacks?
There are beautiful Asians, Blacks, Caucasians etc but there are plain ones too. This is not just constrained to just women, men are included.
It just depends on how great your 'Great White Man' syndrome is. You may think that your ethnicity are perfect but others may see your ethnic group as unevolved hairy apes?

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