Best Episodes #3 Trigun
I wanted to go with an anime alittle less intense this week then last weeks choice I had. This week I picked Trigun. Trigun is one of a short list of favorite anime titles I have. Trigun has a very interesting mix of a serious story line and a comedy and mixes them rather good. My personal fav episode is "Murder Machine" . First this episode I like because it is the episode that introduces Wolfwood to the series. The way Vash and Wolfwood get along is somewhat of a Butch Casidy and The Sundance Kid. How the two of them get along and interact is funny and cool at the same time. As always whats everyones pic or opinion on this weeks series
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
Episode 24 (I think, its been a loong time), the episode when Wolfwood dies. At least to me I don't think he would have been as memorable, without that last scene at the church when he is dying. instant CLASSIC! Best comic book podcast!!! Come and join in!
The web site I am posting has alot of side info and other stuff on Trigun that is cool reading
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
Thanks for the site Mantis. I second evilomar's pick, though it was episode 23 Paradise that Wolfwood dies. Why did he have to die?! It was so sad...
Love is like heaven but hurts like hell.
If I remember the reason he dies is he refuses to shoot his mentor because he views him like a father, but the other one shoots him when he doesent kill him first
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
ill have to go with the one i have sen the most , cause it has been awhile :
the first episode and the one where he protects that chick in that town with out water ! probaly the second episode. i have the whole set but i just havent seen it in awhile !

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Yeah I have to agree. Ep one is such classic gold goodness. I like Monev too. That whole part had a lot going on for me too.
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
other then the first one I mentioned the other I liked alot was the two part one where Vash and the boy have to stop the sand steamer after it get hijacked. I have to admit that when I first saw Trigun I got to see it from the #1 episode on at first I thought it was kind of a silly anime until the main story really got going. I liked it better the 2nd time I saw it
I am "Pedro" I am an afro warrior-----
Excel saga
i liked it cause it was a funny anime thats why i started watching it and bought the first volume and then caught it on cartoon network.

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


After the duel between chapel and wolfwood, chapel didn't want to shot wolfwood, but legato forced him to do it. wolfwood was working for knives/legato. My Favorite episode would have to be ep.24 "SIN". the one where legato forces Vash to kill Him, it's an extremely powerful ep. since Vash had never killed anyone untill that episode.
Episode #6, when the girls find out that Vash was indeed Vash. I loved the part where he's fighting the giant guy with the hand and keeps dodging the attacks/saving the village girls. And the ending where the kids kept saying "Love and peace" with him cracks me up every time.
evilomar Wrote:Episode 24 (I think, its been a loong time), the episode when Wolfwood dies. At least to me I don't think he would have been as memorable, without that last scene at the church when he is dying. instant CLASSIC!

i have to agree here, that was probably my favorite episode as well.
uno...dos...tres...el shoompo
Ep. 23 also. One of the few episodes in any show anime or not that's made me want to cry. The duel between vash and knives at the end was very cool also. If I had to pick a less popular episode i'd go with the first episode rewatched after you've seen the series. Was more enjoyable the second time around.
I agree with the Wolfwood death episode, but another I really liked was the one where Vash is looking for Frank Marlin to get his gun repaired. I cant remember why exactly, but I've always liked that one. Maybe it's because of the heavy use of alcohol, I do enjoy drunk Vash... and alcohol.
episode 23. paradise

very powerful end to the episode

runner up for me is episode 24, SIN. very good episode as well

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