Ice Skating
Not sure how many of you know how to ice skate, but I'm really bad at it. My younger brother has been going recently because he wants to get into ice hockey. My parents couldn't take him to the skating rink today, so I decided to take him and try skating while I was at it.

Man, it was so embarrassing. All these little 5 year olds were lapping me. Some little girl even laughed at me. Of course, 5 minutes later she busted her ass and I was trying so hard not to laugh at her.

There was only 1 person there that was anywhere near my level. And that was some other 5 year old girl. My goal was to not let her pass me. Pretty sad ain't it?

But on the bright side, I only kinda fell once. One knee hit the ground, and I was able to prevent myself from falling too bad. But then again, it's not like I was going very fast. Sad
Hahhahaha......i totally understand that feeling not letting the 5 yr old kid get past you.

I suck at ice-skating. I fell on my knees all the times I went skating. Embarrassing. I always ended up with blue-blacks as big as 2 fists on both knees. That's why I stopped going. My friends were either really good at it or they've been figure-skating for many many years.'s fun to watch them but it's not fun when I actually tried it.
I have never been.
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
I suck at skating in general but i do know that the tighter you have the skates the more stable they are. But I still fall a lot too. I haven't been in like 10 years and don't want to ever again really.
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
Even though I live in Canada I think I've only went skating a couple of times like 10 years ago.
The first time i went ice-skating i spent the whole time holding the bars while going around the ice rink. The second time i went i wasn't holding on to the bars but on to all my friends. The third time i finally stopped holding on to things and was skating very wobbly, hardly containing any balance. And then the painfull fall, falling right onto my ass on the middle of the ice rink! ouch...

There hasn't been a fourth time...
Ice Skating is Painfull in The But cheek area at firstWink

but give it a coupla tries then its easy esp if you can skate on land, but when i first started that wasn't as advantagous as i thought i would be.

i go every so often, with a coupla cousins and taught my 8yr cousin how to Skate and now hes running circles around meRolleyes Sad
Damn Pesky KidsRolleyes
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

I feel your pain. I started ice skating when I was 12 and got thrown into a class with all those 5 year olds. It was so embarrassing when I couldn't figure out how to go backwards near the end of the class and all the other kids were skating circles around me.

The funny thing is that I was put in charge of all the little kids for the big ice show at the end of the year just because I was older. The whole thing was a disaster.

At least I got over the falling down part and I still enjoy strapping the skates on from time to time even if I can't go backwards. Stick with it. Get used to the embarassment. If you didn't start right after you learned to walk then you will always have little kids skating circles around you.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
I went ice skating for the first time with my boyfriend. He wanted to put his arm around my waist and skate together. It was horrible! I tried so hard not to fall. Instead of trying to feel all "romantic" about it and looking like a cute couple, I landed on my butt and spun around a couple of times on the floor on my knees. He tried to help me up and so did this other guy, but I fell down again Sad
Even if it's painfull I wouldn't mind giving it a try. You've all fallen but at least you were there, skating on ice. I don't have such luck. Sad There are no rinks here. I guess it's because this is a mediterranean country with warm weather. People are more into beach activities than ice activities. Sad
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]
Yeah... up here in Canada we think of summer as three months of bad sledding...

badump bump... Big Grin
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
Ive played Hockey since i was 5-6 skating has always been natural for me , probably cause all the way back all my grandparents etc . have all been hockey players . You'll find if you take your time and find using your weight and gaining balance and how actual strides are done u'll learn really quickly just observe good skater's and how there body is positioned!!!! but then again Im Canadian
A matter of Life and Death You Try to Fight For Breath I Snatch Your Heart With A Slice Through Your Chest Who's The Best???
in san an all we play here are the "land" sports like basketball, football, and soccer. I've only ice skated 4 times but they were fun times and the ice feels a lot better than going down on pavement or turf.
Teabagging girls' chins since 1983.
I get pumped when watching porno.
Well, the only reason I didn't really fall down and can kate at all is because I do have a good sense of balance. But I do need to learn how to actually pushoff to gain speed rather than walking on the ice.

There was this one little girl there that was like a speed skater. She was making all of us look bad.
At least you have a sense of balance. I have none. I only went abt 10 times, was getting better but I gave up. Can't keep up with those little kids and their taunting looks. :p Big Grin

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