Where To Buy HK dvd's?
yeah i didn't click all links.
I desidet now to buy at anime-icon
this shop looks very good!

c-ya later
Quote:Originally posted by nicechris
yeah i didn't click all links.
I desidet now to buy at anime-icon
this shop looks very good!

All I can say is "good luck"

hee hee
well atleast 16 peops have benefited from my Zip file
yay spread the love!
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

Is the zip file a word document? Since I wiped my hard drive I have no form of word now lol. Can't use ur zip file.
Quote:Originally posted by Cidien
Is the zip file a word document? Since I wiped my hard drive I have no form of word now lol. Can't use ur zip file.

zip is a compressed file. You need a program such as winzip to uncompress it.
I know that...

After I uncompress it the file doesn't magically work. You need a program to use it properly like word...

I tried notebook but it doesn't come up right. Oh well.
No just put the Folder into your favourites!

its just a zip of the Url links from IE 6
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

Also, I don't know if Winzip will open it but when that thing pops up and asks you to pick a prog just pick WinRAR. Worked for meSmile

just d/l it myself and realised for some reason this Forums restrictions or what not has renamed it. it is a zip file but rar or any kinda zipping prog can open it then you'll have a folder containing Internet Url links for IE6

hope that helps!
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

any1 heard of animegod.com?
does any1 recommend it?
Quote:Originally posted by jlow00
any1 heard of animegod.com?
does any1 recommend it?

As there are no forums I wouldn't suggest it. But why do people keep looking for other places? This is the best place to buy from and if there is something you want JJ doesn't have chances are CJV or animeniacs will have it. Why look elsewhere?
After looking around at all the possibilities I have concluded the same thing Cidien. Besides if you don't find it here or in CVJ the next cheapest place is Ebay. C'mon like you won't find it at Ebay...I found custom fake poop...CUSTOM FAKE POOP!

Look for yourselves:eek:

Which reminds me, I still gotta register at CVJ's forum.
He he... who needs a signature when you got such a cute ass kitty avatar.

I think I'll call him McGuffin
Has anyone mentioned http://www.animecastle.com ??? They are great too.Wink
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
Quote:Originally posted by DARK OSAMU
Has anyone mentioned http://www.animecastle.com ??? They are great too.Wink

Unless i'm completely missing a link they don't sell HK's.
They sell HK's but not very much. Acually there all crap. Barelly any HK
He he... who needs a signature when you got such a cute ass kitty avatar.

I think I'll call him McGuffin

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