DVD+Bad Packaging=Sticky Mess
I don't know if this has happened to any of you, though I bet it has since it's happened to me numerable times. You get a DVD and go to take those damn sticky things off like 2-3 sides of the case so you can get in it and you pull where it says pull, but for one reason or another it sticks hard and leaves a sticky nigh-unremovable mess behind it. This then accumulates hair and other debris until it becomes quite unsightly. Even if you get rid of the sticky, you never really can get rid of the visual portion. Then there's the ever popular times when the cover art will be moved up (or down) too far and get ripped apart with no real way to save it.

And everyone loves when your DVD comes loose in the box and scratched to hell.

Kind of a rant, but oh well.
I here you on this it happend to every single one of my Lone Wolf And Cub samurai Dvd's one ever ripped the acutal plasic cover that holds the insert cover!!!!
they have to figure out a different way for those dumb things!!!!

Besides price, this is another reason why I perfer HK's instead of R1 anime. Heck, 1.5 mm cardstock isn't very easy to rip and you get more space for album art. The only bad thing is that legit manufacterers will if they adopt theis box-type, they will do something stupid like put the little black security tags on the cardboardand when you try to take it of you'll rip the cardboard.
I guess it has something to do with humidity cause I've never experienced that stickyness but I know what you're talking about. If that happens alot just use a razor blade and never take off the stickers. Sounds cheesey huh? Oh well just grow some nails and peel them off the first time. Wink
If u can find this stuff called goo gone, it removes the sticky stuff so easily. It works awesome for me.
You might try a dab of nail polish remover on a q-tip or cotton swab, or whatever, will usually remove the stickiness... or peanut butter is also good for removing stickiness from adhesive labels... bit more of a mess though.. but does work well... Be careful with the nail polish remover, don't use one that has an acetone base because it can destroy some types of plastic.. you want a non-acetone based one.
Thanks for the suggestions, I just tried Rubbing Alcohol. I never thought of Goo Gone and well....I don't have any nail polish remover.
Just slit them instead of peeling them off totally.
you can aslo use hairspray! the cheaper the better the results aswell but not too much alcohol based ones like 100%Wink
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

Use duct tape, paste it over the sticker residue/goo and wala, magic! repeat if necessary, and make sure your insert is out before applying technique on case.

like a charm~ Big Grin
Never is ever forever...

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