V Gundam Hk's and zz Gundam
Hi i was lookin at the ZZ gundam Remastered series and from the review it looks like its pretty good quality does anyone know if IA is gonna carry that version??? also does anyone other than 1 review have any comments on the ZZ MI remastered version???
also whats the best hk V gundam set?? is it even worth getin??
thanks alot
I have the old Anime Studio ZZ Gundam, and its alright, i'm sure teh Mi one is ten times better. As far as V Gundam, the manga one i have (with Uso standing beside the Gundam's head, holding his helmet) is very good as far as subtitles go, not many errors, maybe once or twice, but, on a scale of 1 to 10, i'd say a 8.5, very very good. As far as the show itself, its alright. pretty much Z gundam, but with littler kids, and a simpler storyline. not the best, but definately not the worst, i'd say defiantely worth getting. The mecha designs are pretty cool, different from previous show's designs. With Zeta, X and the original series at top, i'd say this is somewhere in the middle. I'd rather have seen F91 as a show then Victory, but, its still a good show, overall.

The Dagg

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