needs some suggestions
Ok, I've been wantng to pick up a few games lately, but I'm having trouble deciding what to get.
I have aPS2, which is what I'm looking for games for, guess that info might help, & I'm looking for action/adventure like games.

Just lately I picked up Devil May Cry 2. I sucked at one, or atleast I did the first time I played it which was only for about 5 minutes, but the second one is easy & cool as H3ll.

I was thinking about getting Ratchet & Clank, becasue from waht I've seen oif the gameplay it reminds me of Megamna Legends 2; but then again I would asume that the second one is better, but I'm also not sure I want to waste 30-40 bucks on it seeing as how it'd be coming out of my nime expenses.

Also I've been looking for Evil Dead: Fist Full of Boomstick, but I've heard that it's basicly sold out all over & that it get boring REAL quick like, but I love Evil Dead stuff; so any comments?

And my friend told me to pick up Dynasty Warriors4, but then he also said that it'd be supper hard to find a copy for PS2 these days.

And does anyone know a game other than Star Ocean 1-3 that uses that sort of battle system even though it be an RPG I'd like to find a game out there like them.

Sorry if all this sounds stupid, or evenm makes me ssound stupid, but my gaming knowledge is NOTHING compared to what it used to be, or even should be now. When I got a PS2 & most of the new games were priced at 50 bucks a piece I kinda stopped watching X Play & reading up about games because normally I'd have a list a mile long of games I couldn't wait to play, but couldn't afford either.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage:
Devil May Cry2 was a major league let down in my opinion it was too easy and the whole gothic atmosphere has been ruined,

Dynasty Warriors 4 is far too addictive

what i recommend from a cheap and easy to find stuff is

Silent Hill stuff
Tekken Tag (better than 4 in my opinion coz 4 was a let down)
Virtua fighter 4 evo
Simpsons hit and run
GTA Vice city
DBZ Boudakai 2
Time Crisis2


TRansformers (this game is unbelievably awesome and just came out recently in the UK)
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Rav way!

Rachet and clank 1 and 2 are both really good games. Some other games I enjoyed were Sly Copper and Both the Jak games. Star Ocean 2 is pretty good. 3 isnt out till Aug.
oh and what most people hate but i love

its such a good mindless arcade blaster not too mention the cut scenes
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Rav way!

I almost bought that for 7 bucks from my friend after he broke his PS2, it's still on my list of games to get I think. Is it anything like Devil May Cry2?

Also, guys, thanks for the game titles. I'll probably have to turn to the net for my video game shopping. I know I have to for Evil Dead, but probably for some of the rest too.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage:
no its far more arcade! but is along that line kinda! and he strikes cool poses when you press select

but you can complete the game in 1-2hrs, but hey its an arcade type game
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Rav way!

Contra Shattered Soldier...damn I love this game!
Guilty Gear XX...if you haven't played this you need to be castrated!
Armored Core...any of them..they are my fave next gen games EVER!
and I'll leave it to a small list of three!Big Grin
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
"Beyond good & evil" is a highly underrated game. Its pretty easy but you get to visit some really nice levels. It has a Zelda feel to it with some original gameplay elements. You can fininsh it in about 10 hours but once you start you'll keep playing to the end. It shouldn't be to expensive.
Quote:Originally posted by DARK OSAMU
Guilty Gear XX...if you haven't played this you need to be castrated!

GGX2 does indeed rock but my mate always beats the bejeezus outta me:mad:
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Rav way!

Jak 2
ratchet and clank 2

those are two really good games !

fun as hell too!

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Quote:Originally posted by elcoholic
"Beyond good & evil" is a highly underrated game. Its pretty easy but you get to visit some really nice levels. It has a Zelda feel to it with some original gameplay elements. You can fininsh it in about 10 hours but once you start you'll keep playing to the end. It shouldn't be to expensive.

I have Beyond good and evil also and its very good. I got it for $15 at gamestop used.
I picked up Ratchet & Clank, & the best thing about it is that I now have a new poster for my wall...
The game isn't bad, actually it's quite fun, or atleast watch the cut scenes is. As for the game play, I preffer something with a lock on system the closest I can find to that is croutching down before firing.
But, I still have faith that after some time of playing it, & after I stop trying to use Triangle to use my melee attack, & Square for guns, I'll probably start to like it more.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage:
i like gungrave because of the anime cut scenes done by the animaters of trigun, nothings cooler than a vampire who keeps his casket on his back and doubles as a super weapon.
Quote:Originally posted by israfel
nothings cooler than a vampire who keeps his casket on his back and doubles as a super weapon.

dont think hes a vampire but it is damn ass cool!
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Right way

then the...

Rav way!

Get Zone of the Enders 2 if you're an anime fan. And since you're posting here, I'm pretty sure you are.

And yeah, listen to your friend. Get Dynasty Warriors 4. It's addictive like crack.

And avoid Castlevania LOI at all cost. It may seem like DMC but it looks and plays like ass.
[Image: tt.jpg]

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