E3 2004 (now)

Gamers it is time !
E3 2004 starts 5/12/04 and hell yeah im going to see it in the comfort of my bedroom. well is any one else siked to see new games and systems debuted at the show. i look forward to everythign at the show like a little kid in a candy store. im so siked to see if that sega rumor is true ! new system ? i hope so .

well let me know what your looking forward to the most at the show !
and hope to hear about !

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


personally I can not wait for Kingdom Hearts II, FF XII, Star Ocean III, and Starcraft Ghost. But its sucks becuase I am going to college next year and wont have any money to new games or anime! I will be going to school full time, even during the summer, so I wont have time for a part-time job, but I will be graduating in 2 2/3 years insted of 4! w00t!!

Crap, I forgot Jak III Rachet & Clank III and SlyCopper II. Those all look really good.
Well, I think the fact that Nintendo are releasing the realistic Zelda that everyone has been asking for is the biggest news of E3 2004.

Check out the shots and trailers at IGN or Gamespot and prepare to be blown away! (It's all frontpage stuff so I haven't provided links)
Playing: Final Fantasy X-2, Silent Hill and MGS (PSX).

My Anime Collection
You guys are gonna have to post the E3 stuff for me...I don't even have cable anymore and I wouldn't get to see it anyways cause of my work hours...Sad
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
Just saw MGS3's trailer. DYNO MITE! Hopefully there'll be a new FFXII trailer. Killzone is looking fine, as is Silent Hill 4. The non cel shaded Zelda was a nice surprise. 2k4/5 is going to be a great year for gamers.
[Image: tt.jpg]
I've never cared about E3, as far back as I can remember (like back as far as around 94 or 95). Especially considering that lampooning not very close to being done games is a boon to video games (as evident by HL2 and Doom 3 and any other significantly prolonged video game release). In the end, I'd rather have the companies just announce stuff when they're in the beta testing stages.
Yay!! Happy E3 Day to you! Now, we'll get a look at the games we'll be playing for the next year!

I like E3, it's like Christmas... how everything's revealed. Showing off thing's to get excited for. I plan to be a game designer/programmer, so I hope that one day I'll be there.

Not particularly excited about one thing... I just want to see what kind of crazy stuff is planned for the gaming world.
Quote:Originally posted by SirChico
I plan to be a game designer/programmer, so I hope that one day I'll be there.

programmer eh? What types of classes are you taking now to help with this plan?
i see E3 coverage in one hour !
i cant wait to see some of the new stuff !
if i had a vhs player i would tape the show and send it to you but i dont and would rather not buy one. i cant wait to see the new zelda that was supposed to come out a few years ago ! and new mario 128 hopefully! i loved sunshine not alot of people did i guess !

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Quote:Originally posted by SirChico
I plan to be a game designer/programmer, so I hope that one day I'll be there.

I plan on becoming an animator so I will hopefully be there one day too!
Quote:Originally posted by kakomu
programmer eh? What types of classes are you taking now to help with this plan?
Well, I am a Junior in High school earning college credits in Computer Programming. I will take the second course next year in my Senior year.. I'll have 12 college credits in programming (I already have 6). (plus, I web design and graphic design in my free time.. which helps).. then I'll be off to college... which I have to pick one. I am confident that I'll be able to achieve my dream. I am not frivolously dreaming... this is my plan.
i attended the 2002 e3 show, its a pain to get tickets for it, but i was able to(for free) because i worked at a video game store. i had to pay for everything else though. it's an amazing event to attend. i'm looking forward to mgs 3 and ff12 and silent hill 4(i love the series, creepiest of all the servival horror). i wouldn't want to program video games the market is too vicious, i would rather work for egm or game informer or any video game mag for that matter and review the games. i enjoyed mario sunshine, i actually spent the time to collect all 120 freaking stars.
what channel is broadcasting e3?
Quote:Originally posted by SirChico
Well, I am a Junior in High school earning college credits in Computer Programming. I will take the second course next year in my Senior year.. I'll have 12 college credits in programming (I already have 6). (plus, I web design and graphic design in my free time.. which helps).. then I'll be off to college... which I have to pick one. I am confident that I'll be able to achieve my dream. I am not frivolously dreaming... this is my plan.

Do you know where you want to go to college yet? Many top-tier schools don't accept "college credit" programs like that, as they'd rather have you take their courses, or place out of them with an AP test or their own placement test.

Also, it's good to have dreams and goals, but keep your options open for a future career. If you only focus your education on one field, and you find yourself employed and miserable, you won't be able to do much without going back to school or getting a white-collar job. Chances are you'll change your mind about becoming a video game programmer at least once, even if you later decide to continue with that plan.

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