My Anime Club
I myself have tried to bring about an anime club for my area. The main problem ended up being a lack of places to host. My parents are very strict about having visitors.

Also, there would be no real memebers. In other words I couldn't get away from my sister, who is one of the hugest sluts I know, also who likes to try & mess with any one of my guy friends she can. When they aren't showing her attention she goes out & tries to get it, which leaves only me & one other kid to watch. And I hate having a room full of people who are there to watch anime then can't keep their mouths shut or their eyes on the tv.

Another thing being supply of anime: Most of the guys around here have barrowed everything I own, & I own the most anime of anyone in my school :S.

Last but not least, I'd be willing to collect other memebers, but they'd all be middle schoolers, & couldn't watch the same stuff as we're allowed to. And the ONLY ONE(!!!!) "Otaku" around here over the age of 20 seems to frown down upon some of the younger kids.

All unoffical clubs I've tried to join have all went to H3ll right quick like... But, anyways, good luck on making your club better. If it's still going good in a few years I might drop by to say hi!
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage:
i doubt R2 would give you much free stuff as they dont release as much as released in the US and there isnt much competition because anime hasnt really gone mainstream over here
see you space cowboy...
True we always get the brunt of the stick

but its worth a try if i ever do set one up.
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

if you set one up can i join? ill be your overseas informant! free anime!!!! hahahaha
see you space cowboy...
Its been along time since Ive been to college but i do belong to a few clubs. not Being able to do what you like to do at a meeting really kills what the clubs about- You should talk to your teacher adviser about it- having a episode or two to play at a meeting would really bring out a few closet anime fans- possibly even have an adjacent room to show the stuff in-I bet your teacher advisor, probably doesnt really know what anime is, possible relating it to there own experience of pokemon etc.and i bet they have never seen stuff like outlaw star or Cowboy bebop ( maybe im wrong ) you may wish to budget in to buy a few floater copies of your favorite series- to loan and ask your adviser to watch a few-- If all else fails , at least you started a library of anime to loan to other members-- I also know from experience that some folks borrow- permanently ,stuff with no intention to return it- be careful with this one- Im very happy that you are involved in this, wish I was back in school and they had a anime club around here somewhere. School is a better place for the students when they have activitys their that they like.
I agree with Puzzle. You can definitely attract some ppl to the anime club by screening movies. Even if those people aren't fans, at least they would know that anime aren't just Pokemon, Cardcaptors, Sailor Moon etc.

You won't know, some people may just be attracted by the anime you screen. Keep them interested.
Quote:Originally posted by puzzleguy
not Being able to do what you like to do at a meeting really kills what the clubs about- You should talk to your teacher adviser about it- having a episode or two to play at a meeting would really bring out a few closet anime fans- possibly even have an adjacent room to show the stuff in-I bet your teacher advisor, probably doesnt really know what anime is, possible relating it to there own experience of pokemon etc.and i bet they have never seen stuff like outlaw star or Cowboy bebop ( maybe im wrong ) you may wish to budget in to buy a few floater copies of your favorite series- to loan and ask your adviser to watch a few

Thanks, we are currently working on a new plan for anime club in which I put into action. I had a sort of "speech" on Tuesday telling of what we are going to do to make this club an Anime club again. Our hostess was blown away with my speech that she said I would make a good teacher and she offered me her job Big Grin. Anyway, we're going to make posters (and intercom announcements) that have something to the affect of "old and new fans/members come to the club April 6th for re-founding the anime club". At that date we will determine what the club will be about. And we will have a schedule for anime viewings so people now EXAXTLY when to come.

My point (in reference to the quote) is not that she is "unaware" of anime it's just that she doesn't want it to be what we do all the time because there is alot that we can do in the club besides watch anime. We lost members because of it, so if we have a plan of when to watch anime we'll have members actually there. I was thinking we can make announcements for movies that anyone can come to (this happened last year unfortunately the announcer couldn't pronounce "Princess Mononoke" Sad). After we get our club going and it's something people enjoy it will then be an incentive to seek out R1 anime. I have good hopes for the future anime club and I'll post again after April 6th to tell of the outcome.

I credit all to helped in this thread in effect to Tuesday's speech/our future club. Thanks!
Today was the planned day to have our "reconstruction" meeting. For the past two weeks we made posters and announcements. Though, I didn't see as many members as I would have liked... we have suceeded in turning the old anime club into a new anime club. We now have some dedicated members... and we have the next to weeks planned out. We also have a trip planned for May 8th to go down to Boston to go to a Japanese restaurant and an anime store named Tokyo Kid.

Thank you to all who posted! And thanks for reading. Wink
It sounds like you have a fantastic beginning - keep up the good work- it will all work out for you in the long run !
right on, man, keep up the good work.
Teabagging girls' chins since 1983.
I get pumped when watching porno.

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