Battle Royale the book
Does anyone here know if its any good?I am think of buying it but i dunno so i was wandering if anyone here had already read it and was wandering if it was good or not .... By the way i am the kind of person who likes graphic novels(not manga i mean graphic as in Bloody etc..)
Sshhh, i cant here the subtitles
i bought the book a few month's ago it's good worth picking up
If the manga is any indication (which is abound in gore and violence), the novel should be equally macabre.
yea! i read the book a few months ago and it is certainly worth picking up. i prefered it to the manga and the movie although its does take a fair bit of reading to get through.
see you space cowboy...
The book is excellent. I like it slightly better then the movie and much more then the manga. If you like BR you owe it to yourself to pick it up.


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