02-02-2004, 09:11 PM
What's the deal with these new poser movies that, in all reality, should offend people rather than entertain. They are based on stereotypes and such premises that people from 50 and 60 years ago were fighting against such acts of opression! Movies like "Fast and the Furious", "Biker Boys", "You got served" and the like are all based on stereotypes. Why the crap are so many teens and attracted to such garbage? Why are so many "actors" taking roles that they should be offended by after reading the script? Why is being a total TOOL and SELL OUT the cool thing to be these days? What is wrong with people?
Furthermore...Who writes these garbage, poorly written, piles of excrement? And who is giving the OK to film this crap? Or is it that the people making these movies hate the target audience and it's all a big inside joke to see how many retards go to see this stuff?
I am so glad I have never gone to or wanted to see these movies. The previews alone make me bleed on the inside. And I sometimes catch a glimpse of these movies from a relative that rented one.
Society has taken a major downfall by taking racist and other offensive stereotypse and enforcing them on themselves and one another. Often embracing an opressive and discracefull action. I see it everywhere nowadays...movies, music, and everyday life in general. In other words...I pitty useless people such as eminem who are unoriginal, uninspiring (on a positive outlook) to the human race. These people are not worthy of the title of WORM!!!
If anyone thinks different than me, that's cool and I respect everyones opinion. I just thought I'd share my outlook on the media I see around me. I look forward to all of your opinions!
Furthermore...Who writes these garbage, poorly written, piles of excrement? And who is giving the OK to film this crap? Or is it that the people making these movies hate the target audience and it's all a big inside joke to see how many retards go to see this stuff?
I am so glad I have never gone to or wanted to see these movies. The previews alone make me bleed on the inside. And I sometimes catch a glimpse of these movies from a relative that rented one.
Society has taken a major downfall by taking racist and other offensive stereotypse and enforcing them on themselves and one another. Often embracing an opressive and discracefull action. I see it everywhere nowadays...movies, music, and everyday life in general. In other words...I pitty useless people such as eminem who are unoriginal, uninspiring (on a positive outlook) to the human race. These people are not worthy of the title of WORM!!!
If anyone thinks different than me, that's cool and I respect everyones opinion. I just thought I'd share my outlook on the media I see around me. I look forward to all of your opinions!

- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"