Anyone wan't to learn japanese
Hey I just thought you guys might be interested. I started using yes japan 3 weeks ago and wow. It's so much fun to learn. The progressive hiragana works great, they slowly remove the romanji as you learn the the hiragana then they slowly add katakana and kanji. I must say I love it. Go check it out at. The link is
See you later space Samurai
I have a few sites I can link you up to if you really really wanna learn Nihongo...Send me a PM since it uses bit torrent don't want any trouble from RIAA and co.
[Image: 01sig.jpg]

i've always wanted to learn Japanese

so thanks for the site
it seems great though i didn't used it yet
[Image: spikesig2.jpg]
Awesome, I am taking Japanese at my University also I can probably use both these tools as suplementary material.
Take a look at some of the links I've collected here...
<a href="">Website</a>

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