Who here hates the dentist?
I was just wondering if i'm the only one out there who hates going to the dentist...even though I desperately need to go. I think you have to be a pretty sick person to want to be a dentist. But maybe that's just me.

hey have u watch the episode on Seinfeld that was all about the dentist. well i love the dentist, i would be a dentist if only i loved it that much
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil
Ouch lol i really really hate the dentist to... it drives me insane
aka EngrishMajor
never had a cavity or any reason to hate the dentist. However, getting my Wisdom Teeth pulled was a pain.
Anyone ever see the movie "The Dentist" with Corbin Bernsen?

I hate going to the dentist, I've always hated it, of course I hate going to any doctor or hospital. The main reason............shots scare the hell outta me, they just really give me the creeps. The thing that sucks is I know that I'm going to have to go within a month or two because I have a tooth that's starting to bother me, yay! :mad:
[Image: gametz-ad6.gif]
I have always hated the dentist!!! Ever since that first cavity. Now even the sound of the drill makes me wanna scream!:eek:
[Image: kisacolorbar7ui0yp.png]
I don't really hate the dentist, but ever since the last time I went I never want to go back. THe shot he gave me to numb my mouth didn't work, so I had to get another one:eek: I will not go back to that evil man evr again!!
The monkey with the most
i havn't been to the denist in 7 years
Not that I'm really a particularly politically correct person or anything, but why is there a user named 'gayfag' here?

Hmmmm. . . . . Schultz or JJ or someone might want to do an IP trace on some people. Cashan did one and had one person using 6 accounts over at his site. And that person has recently been a regular poster here as well.
Interesting user name, but I don't believe I have any room to talk. Wonder where he came up with that one??
The monkey with the most
I remmy as a kid i got every single tooth bar 3 taken out since i ate so much candy and never brushed my teeth.

However, my real terror never occurred till i saw my dad's friend "extract" my brothers teeth. He used rusty pliars to just smash them. I will never forget that. I was next in line but all i can say is i still have the 2 teeth he wanted to take out.

My parents moaned at me saying i was a coward but recently they all had their teeth botched up by him and they aren't going back.

Conversely when i went to get a tooth pulled in Hong Kong it was quite painless, even the injections were less sore than in the UK...

I got a wisdom tooth taken out 2 weeks ago at the hospital since it was mostly under the gum and impacting on the one next to it. It took me a year to get an appointment by which time pain had subsided. I now regret having it taken out as the one next to it is so sensitive now that things are worse. Sad Having a hamster cheek and a big empty socket with trapped food is no fun either. Tongue

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