solving evangelion
I am just going to post some of my thoughts hoping that maybe someone has better explanations or different ideas. These arn't all of my theories of things just a few for now.

- All the eva's have a human soul inside. unit 1 is shinji's mother. unti 2 is asuka's mother. Rei doesn't have a mother so who could it be. I think it is Ritsuko's mother Naoko. I think this is true because unit 00 goes berserk several times and tries to kill both Gendo and Rei. Remember that scene where she strangles Rei. Naoko hates both of them. This would explain Unit's 00 rages and attempts at killing both Gendo and Rei.
The whole eva project is planned to the smallest detail so Naoko death must have been part of it. Otherwise why would Rei have been sent in. I think her death was part of the overal plan. As was Yui sacrifice to provide Unit 1 with a soul. Yui's remains been used for Rei's body was just convenient and was not necessary as the body is only a hollow
shell for the soul.

- If Rei's body is made from the remains Shinji's mother Yui. She must also have a soul. Several times throughout the series she states that she feels a closeness with mankind and she feels a need to protect them. Those statements sound almost maternal in nature. Rei is obviously very special to nerv and the whole human instrumentality project. The answer to who's soul she has must be in the series and I believe that her soul is the soul of Lillith. Lillith is the mother to all mankind, and that would explain Rei's fellings towards man. I'll get more into who Kaworu is and what the similarity between Rei and him are later.

More crazy ideas to come later this is all for now :eek:
Those are some good thoughts, back in 96' when I first watched the series a couple of my friends and I got drunk and stoned and wrote down our ideas on the series( of course this was long before the movie). I am going try to find the paper, we had some crazy thoughts. To be honest I don't think there is one true solution to Evangelion, but I know it is fun to play with different ideas. Best comic book podcast!!! Come and join in!
The creator has said that there is a true meaning of the show and all the clues to solve it are present in the series.
maybe he too was high and drunk when he made that statment. I loved the series, but I'm not going to watch it more than 3 times. Best comic book podcast!!! Come and join in!
i tend not to think about evangelion anymore, i dont want my head to explode
see you space cowboy...

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