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Ive been hoping for some time now to see both " Arcadia of my youth " and " Harlock Saga " I have a friend who keeps bragging about it but wont let me borrow his copy (VHS )- It really perturbs me when I keep reading about it on some site- and I cant get my hands on it. I really dont want to buy it on VHS , i think of that medium as going the way of the 8 track tape or the Beta video tape ( Shows my age aaay ! )
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Harlock Saga has been available on DVD for some time now.
Arcadia of my Youth is an Animeigo license. They said it would be released on DVD sometime in October.
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I am waiting for 4 in particular:
1) Oniisama E...
2) Rose of Versailles
3) Blue Green Years
4) Glass Mask (I see something on Ebay, but I'm not sure what this is)
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Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
Harlock Saga has been available on DVD for some time now.
Yep, i have it right here in my collection
A daim fine serie, and the HK dvd is also excellend quality ( a bit of macroblocks when there is a beam laser getting fired, but thats about it ). Hell, i'm the only person to have written a review of the hk dvd set of Harlock Saga on this site
The video looks a bit dated in my eye's, but this may just be the fault of the R1's (just read the R1 review, and what i have seen seems to match).
There are almost no missing line's on the AS set ( a few that i remember ). Here is a review of that AS set:
So order it NOW! If you don't i'll hunt you down & kill you like a sheep

Not having a copy of Harlock Saga in your collection will be a punishable offence when i become dictator of my own little country
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Thanks for the info- the information that I had said it was available on dvd but that it was only in Japanese with a subtitle- not dubbed , Even thou i like most of my anime in Japanese subtitled, I like it both ways if possible---But your info says it is dubbed , thats fantastic-- i appreciate the information,-- hopefully they will also do a Arcadia of my youth also-- Thanks again !
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09-26-2003, 09:30 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-29-2003, 08:52 PM by vicnuts.)
DVD sets i'd DYING to see are:
Space adventure Codra
Panzer World Galient
Voltes V
Yuuscha Raideen (the original 70's series)
Combattra V
Cashan ('70s tatsunoku)
Hurricane Polymer ('70s tatsunoku)
Dartain 3
Tryder G-7
Dangard Ace
Dairugger XV
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I eagerly await Captain Harlock on dvd too. I have the first vhs but i don't really feel like getting the whole series on vhs...
The MI Harlock Saga is good too. The subs were pretty good even though there is no eng dub option. However, since it is on 2 disks it was actually cheaper for me to get the R1 as it is only one disk. The AS one does sound like a good deal though.
I would like to see Crayon Shin Chan on dvd & Doraemon TV series.
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I am waiting for the R1 Version of Yu-Gi-Oh and Shaman King!!!
I hope FX release them soon!!!
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I am not waiting for ancient masterpieces, but for stuff that I've read as a manga and that is going anime this fall like NaruTaru, Monster, Planetes. Guess I'll even buy a TV rip on this titles.
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R1 dvds I am anxiously awaiting:
Neo Tokyo
Robot Carnival
One Piece
Sci Fi Harry
Silent Mobius movie 1 and 2
Dragon Ball Z uncut
Galaxy Express 999
Voltron would be nice.
Astro Boy
Giant Robo
Makinzer Z
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Wedding peach
Galaxy Angel
The rest of Full Moon
Utena (all of it)
Tokyo Mew Mew
St. Tail
(These are all HK mind you.)
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All I'm waiting for is the unrealsed DBZ sections. That is, Cell Saga and saiya-jin saga.
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Hmm.. Here is Greenwood would be nice.. Galaxy Angel is another one I've been waiting for. And some R1 stuff I'll be collecting is anything Digi Charat, Abenobashi, and Someday's Dreamers. The next few months figure to be pretty damn expensive.. ~_~
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I would love Koko wa Greenwood on DVD as well. Also, I know this would never happen, but I would love Blade of the Immortal (samura has said many times he has no interest in his manga becoming an anime) to be made into an anime, and subsequently be released on DVD.
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I am waiting on "The sea prince and the fire child." And if any one actually knows what that is I will be amazed