Superior Defender Gundam?!
Unlike what seems to be a lot of people here, I liked the dub job for Mobile Suit Gundam. I had no real issues with the way the script was written for Gundam Wing. Although I missed most of the other Gundams that they aired on CN, I still liked a good portion of what I saw. Then I turned on SD Gundam the other day.

Now I don't know if the show SD Gundam Force (which is what I believe the series they are currently running is, they just call it SD Gundam) is just inherently bad, or if perhaps they somehow managed to completely destroy any grain of humor from the show when they released it here, but it marks the first time I ever turned off something Gundam related in disgust. The only thing that has come close is when I saw my first episode of Transformers Armada (but that is a rant for another time).

When I saw on the CN website they were going to air SD Gundam, I practically creamed myself. I thought that maybe for once in history something right was going to happen in this universe, and that I would turn on my television and see a Super Deformed Char at a peepshow consisting of the entire female cast with ghost tails for lower halves. Instead I see some big eyed stereotype of an anime character talking to a overly bright SD Gundam about how his old master was coming to visit. What am I then subjected to? A painfully bad sight gag about how the master was turned into a car. That was when I tossed a shoe at the television and quickly changed the channel.

This probably goes in the rants section, but since it was anime related I decided to put it here. Oh, and as the title asks: Why in the name of whatever god may be out there did a company that has done so many things right over the past few years with the Gundam franchise completely whore themselves out and decide to translate SD Gundam over as "Superior Defender"? Did they perhaps think that children would be able to perfectly understand the sometimes quite deep plotline of Gundam Wing, or make sense of the words Principality, but when it comes to the words "Super Deformed" they become a group of retarded lab monkeys?

Thank god I have my nice set of (dubbed thank you very much) Gundam episodes to watch while I calm down. (And Chris, you have to admit that this was quite a way to start posting here again)
Ha ha, go Don.

I'll answer something you asked though:

They named it Superior Defender Gundam because they didn't want it to be confused with the original Japanese Super Deformed Gundam.
[Image: ShinnSig.jpg]
[ #Uke-Fansubs current projects: Gundam SEED Destiny ]
And yeah, it is a Japanese production, but heavily influenced by America. That's why you won't see Zeta flying around.
It seems to combine most of the different types of SD Gundam that have appeared in Japan. Like the silly deformed versions of original Gundams, to the SD Knights I hear are in it (from the animes/video games) and also the SD Musha guys (ya know, the one's that look like samurais? There models usually shoot metal balls) and they all live in one world and have different kingdoms that are under threat. I think. That's the description I got off the back of one of the worst quality toys I've ever seen. I liked the other SD Gundam animes. They were like the 4 Koma mangas you see alot. THis one's got more of a story then just a bunch of gags, which are cool too. I have alot of SD mangas like tht, which usually just consist of Domon himself taking Zakus on. There's none of the Gundam pilots in this one, I hear. I've heard things are in this show like Irish GMs and stuff. I haven't been able to catch an episode on TV yet, so I can't really judge it's quality.
[Image: Cast7.txt]
I'd reccomend you don't watch, Vinny. It's honestly aimed for like, 6 year olds.
[Image: ShinnSig.jpg]
[ #Uke-Fansubs current projects: Gundam SEED Destiny ]
well ive heard of it and they do look funny . yet i also realize itz for little kids. i'd prefer the other gundam shows like gundam wing and so on...

Hey, like i though oh another gundam show hope they don't butcher it so much, then i was OMG was is this i only saw like 5 minute of it and then i changed the station
Quote:It's honestly aimed for like, 6 year olds.

i second that
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil
Yeah, it's bad. It's REALLY bad. Even for a kid's show, it's bad.

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