For the Big Guns...JJ, Schultz, and the Like
If they are doing another Boston Con, that would be perferable for family's up there. However, we don't know where we are getting stationed yet. At least we will be in the states!!!
I should probably throw in my 2 cents on how I found this place as well.
I have known kakoi since I was in High school. We were drooling over this show called Berserk. My other friend had us over at his house and he had a tape of Berserk. We watched the first 2 or 3 eps and were about to die when the tape stopped. Kak was searching the internet for Berserk and found a place called Animeniacs. I not only was drooling over Berserk for 35 bux at the time, but also saw they had something that I had been wanting since it went off air over here...Tekkaman Blade!!! Kak eventually saw the link to IA and that they had a forum and reviews. I was at his house one day and he showed me the forum and I signed up that very second on Kaks computer. That's how I became a Post Slut.
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
Zagatto, just realized that Ferrari is a 2 sitter ~_~ whats a cool mobile with 4? Viper? thats also pretty cheap to rent right?

Shibo knows all about all conventioned and when it happens, we need him to post and let us know Smile
Just get a 12 passanger van!! There will be more than four at any given time going any one place and it's got big seats. Don't read into that!:p
look if we are teaming up and getting the ride to travel to a con in ta da
A Chevy Blazer with 4 captians chairs and a bench seat in the back. Then we take my Panisonic Gamecube with four Wavebirds... ofh and let's not forget that we get 4 8 inch LCD screens...

Now that is how we go to a Con who's with me
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
I'd rather drive one of the exotic cars like a Ferrari or a Viper (which also has two seats) than get stuck playing games in a van. For something sporty and fun to drive, we could look at an Audi S6 (or the S4) which are both super solid cars and a bit cheaper to rent than the more exotic cars.
Of course, I do get free rental of a 12 seat van through my job if other people are willing to feed it. Come to think of it, the van probably gets about the same mileage as the Viper if not better.

Boston is ok by me. I love that city... just hate their roads.
If I can drive there in 12 hours, I'm in for the con... just let me know the when and the where (has to be next summer before I'll have any cash to spend though).
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
No worries, I'll drive!! Boston is a city that had no plan when it was built. So everything is haphazardly laid out. It's an awsome city, just really crazy to drive in. Well, where ever we end up going, you know it's going to be a good time!
isnt Boston where "The Big Dig" is happening? its suppose to be finished in 2004 or something... been going on for like 10 years almost?
Yes, the "Big Dig" is Boston. However, construction is wrapping up. As long as you know the roads and how to get around, it's really no big deal. Most of the time you can get around by train. Boston is such a cultural hub, there's no limit to what you can do...That's if we do anyting but the Con.

Isn't there a Con they hold in Chicago? That could work too. We still have about a year to plan all this, so we gots some time.
Hmm, how did I get here? Welp, I wonder how many people have been online long enough to remember MUCKs? They're kinda like muds but without all the fighting. Wink Anyway, I was on a muck and talking about Totoro when someone mentioned that he got an entire Ghibli movie set on a website. He directed me to Animeniacs, and during that weekend I found Arcticnightfall and Import-Anime. I probably read about 30-40 pages of messages..Anyway, shortly thereafter I went purchase crazy.. It didn't take me long to realize that JJ has the best prices and customer service on the net, not to mention the forums..I began buying a lot, and posting a ton. In the process I became pretty good friends with JJ. I volunteered to help moderate, and my offer was accepted. =) The rest, as they say, is history. Wink Hopefully I'll be around a bit more now that the chrysler summer sales drive has ended at work.. Now, we were discussing conventions, I believe.. I vote for boston, as that's really the only one I'd be able to attend. Wink It's easter weekend next year. I have no problem organizing the whole thing. I'd just need to know who's coming, etc. The con was incredible last year. It broke all attendance records for a first time con and I just had so much fun. It would have been even better if you guys were around to enjoy it with. Just let me know what you guys decide. =)
Shibo -- Buying happiness...One anime at a time

Currently Watching:
Princess Nine, GTO

check out my anime DVD collection ^_^
As for Cons, I'd say Boston. I think Shibo knows why. I would not so secretly get everybody to go to a Bo Sox game. :eek:
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection
Hey Steve ol' buddy, how did you come across IA and convert to post slutdom ???
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
Okay, one problem. Schultz and I don't come back to the states until JUNE!!!! So...unless you all are going to party without us, we might want to find a different Con.

Believe me, I'd be all up for a Sox game...I heard they put seats on top of the Green Monster... Sad Some one is going to get killed up there!
I'd sit there!!! You could probably see every part of the city up there!!! YEAH!!!
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
So I guess the Boston con is out of the running (unless we can convince them to move it back to June or something).

Are there any cons during the summer on the east coast?
Or in the Midwest? I've already mentioned the two in August that I know of that would be good for me. One in Chicago and the other in Toronto. If people come up to the Toronto con, I can put up with a half dozen people for crash space if needed.

Isn't there one in NYC during July some time?
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.

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