For the Big Guns...JJ, Schultz, and the Like
This one is for JJ, Schultz, Shibo, Rei, and Zagatto.

Since you guys all live in different areas of the WORLD, how did you all get to run the site? Were you all friends and decide to do this? Or did JJ put up a help thing and Shibo and Schultz and all respond to it??
I'd really like to know!
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
Well its quite funny how we met.. At the time i was Station in Shaw AFB South Carolina.. and he posted on the newsgroups about wanting to setup an ftp for anime.. So i msg'ed him and got a login and uploaded a bunch of stuff to him and downloaded a bunch of stuff off him.. And we just got each others ICQ # and keep talking etc.. So we pretty much became friends there.. Then i got orders to here Japan.. and while i was about to leave the states i found out about HK dvd's on Ebay and ordered a bunch.. I accidently got two Initial D sets.. So i sent him one. .(thats what got him started into HK dvd's and now look where he is) and he just started trying to do selling on ebay etc.. And decided to just make this site since people hated getting burnt by shitty subs.. and Since i knew PHP and such to do things.. (As i setup some stuff so he could check newsgroup files so he could download them off us for completes) we started making this site.. and almost 1.5 later here we are.. lol..
For me, I had downloaded a fansubbed copy of Noir and been totally hooked on it. I did a bit of a search and started learning about HK DVDs and thought they were extremely cool.
I got lucky and discovered this site shortly after it had been set up. JJ was looking for some help keeping things updated and getting reviews.

I did get that first Noir set and was disgusted with the subs. I still use that set as my basis for what a 1 star subtitle should be.
Fortunately I wasn't discouraged and tried a few other sets. Now I have a decent collection of anime on my wall.

I know that I've grown pretty lax in maintaining the titles that I'm supposed to be looking after but I still review as many DVD sets as I can and provide screen shots as available. I'd probably do more maintnance if I didn't hate waiting for things since I've had to go back to a dial up connection (boy how I miss my ADSL).

As it is, Rei and I have become very good friends online and I've been known to tell him things that I don't even tell my wife. I also enjoy chatting with JJ and Schultz. We really don't all live that far apart. We are in the same time zone and could conceivably do a weekend get together if we ever felt like spending half our weekend driving. Schultz is supposed to be coming back to the US before too much longer passes. Maybe we'll arrange for a get together at one of the cons next summer (I'm saving my money already).
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
I also know a friend who help this guy in indonesia run a his anime webpage it is even from him that i got ur link and the webpage got also got u guys for the best review site for hk so u should be proud of what u have here. Good job all of u
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil
WOW!!!! Thanks guys! I didn't know it would this cool of a read. I can't wait to see the others' responses!
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
Indeed, we are coming back to the states in about 10 months. The question is: Where in the US will we get stationed? I'm hoping for Florida...Schultz wants Arizona. Truth is, I would love to finally get to meet all of these guys. A con would be perfect...I am going to be invited, right, JJ? Big Grin
Yup Yup, Rob pretty much summed it up at how we met, I ran that FTP for over a year, then cable company started capping the upload speed etc etc etc so I gave up on that, did alittle drop shipping of anime dvds on ebay before deciding to go selling on my own, had this dream of this website with all HK anime dvds on it and people can post and read reviews but I just dont have the know how to do it, and was talking to Rob and how he had a dynamic page set up in php where I can look up files he has downloaded on his PC one thing lead to another he showed me a website he did for someone else and it had the features that I wanted on this website and like Rob said, 1.5 years later and with Import-Anime version 3.0 here we are Smile

shortly after the site went live I posted a msg asking of anyone would be interested in helping me out, with updating titles etc etc etc, from people that responded, I picked Zaggy and Rei, Shibo I've met abit later, one of my regular buyers and very enthusiastic about practicing his rusty english skillz Smile if anyone from now on asks u about you anime collection, think of Shibo and say, "Its not the having, its the getting" Shibo's collection probably rivals that of my store now ~_~

Ka-Talliya, u betcha, first i need to get me my passport and me and Zaggato meet at Toronto, we rent a Ferrari there for a couple of days and take a drink to NYC and pick up Rei, and either meet you and Rob there or pick u up, whichever would be faster Wink
Well Dark you know how You, Kakoi, and I meet... but the story of me and Schultz meeting is a little more funny. I had just got to Okinawa on Sept 10th we were in the middle of a typhoon coming back to hit us and well we all know what happened on Sept 11th. Well the next working day I was on Dorm Guard Duty. But there has to be 2 on duty at all time. Well Schultz was the next person to work and he said no he couldn't and I had to call his boss and tell him (SSgt Stone) that Schultz was going to work at the Dorms... it was funny since a SSgt out ranks me and I was telling him that he couldn't have his worker... but SSgt Stone is a charcter in his own right. So from there me and Schultz pulled two shifts... couldn't find are replacements... but Schultz brought down his laptop and he let me get on the internet... I also happened to have the OVA's of KOR that he was missing to finish the series...

That inturn led to him introducing me to HKDVD's and Import-Anime that's how I meet JJ and you guys here and finally I am starting to pull my weight for JJ but I'll let him carry the glory of telling are story...
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
The funny thing is remembering.. I wrote the first version of this site while i was TDY (Temporary Duty) in Prince Sultan Air Base, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.. So i was in the desert while i was doing this.. Thank god i could take my laptop.. But god did that suck.. working on it on my laptop.. then having to go over to the Morale center get onto the computers and upload the files off a floppy that i had.. hehe don't like to remember those days.. and if anyone cares.. they are Officially closing down PSAB in Saudi.. whooohoo never have to go there again..
but they are moving it to Iraq right? that means people get stationed there instead, more dangerious ;p
This is great! I'm so glad I posted this question! Now I'm even more glad I come to this site all the time.
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
No problem Dark

And JJ I'll put it this way... in Saudi we were there because of Iraq and the country would sell us this and that but then spit and burn are flag when we turned are backs. At least in Iraq alot of people are happy we got rid of an evil man but that is all they really wanted to get him out and they hoiped we would leave to. It doesn't work that way the ameriacn military has this funny thing that the Romans started... it's were we rebuild what we destroyed in the attempt to reconcioled and bring are for of goverment to their country... is it right not my place to say, but I would take a day in Iraq over 1 hour in Saudi
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
Quote:Originally posted by morgorath
No problem Dark

And JJ I'll put it this way... in Saudi we were there because of Iraq and the country would sell us this and that but then spit and burn are flag when we turned are backs. At least in Iraq alot of people are happy we got rid of an evil man but that is all they really wanted to get him out and they hoiped we would leave to. It doesn't work that way the ameriacn military has this funny thing that the Romans started... it's were we rebuild what we destroyed in the attempt to reconcioled and bring are for of goverment to their country... is it right not my place to say, but I would take a day in Iraq over 1 hour in Saudi

Its also a Difference in Mission.. IN Saudi that was solely the Air Forces's job.. We maintained the Southern No Fly zone.. so Alot of Air Force went there thus more likely to get pulled there.. But in Iraq there is no clear role for us besides Cargo coming in and out.. So not as many Air Force personel will be going there.. but again we have gotten a little off topic of what Dark asked.. Gomen..
Ah, the history of everyone paying attention? There will be a test on this.:p
So any way, I'm just butting in, cause I can.

I met Schultz on a day, not unlike today. It was June of '01. I really didn't get to know him, though, until September of '01. Right about the same time I met Morg for the first time. When Schultz came back from Saudi, he had stopped at home (Oregon) and picked up all sorts of goodies from his grandmother. Her fudge is to die for. We hung out quite a bit eating fudge and watching Anime. That was the start...but we didn't get together until June of '02. Needless to say, the rest is history. Darn, that fudge was good. Big Grin
I can't wait to meet everyone.
My only military tie is that I married a log officer in the Canadian Navy. That's how I ended up living in Canada.

The big thing I want to start looking at now is what convention do we want to look at getting together at next summer. Something on the East Coast would be preferable given the amount of driving I'm going to have to do with JJ. And if you want to rent the Ferarri, I'm willing to drive it. I've even got experience behind the wheel of a Testerossa and an older 308. I wouldn't mind trying out one of those cool Modenas if you're splurging.

Rei, you live on the East Coast. Check out what's happening on what dates. Boston, NYC, wherever... There's even a pretty good convention here in Toronto at the end of August every year that works well for me (it's the biggest anime convention in Canada).

It's been great fun reading through everyone's posts and finding out more about the people working on this great site. Significant others are definitely welcome for this get together. My wife is likely to stay at home unless we do the Toronto con though... she tried one con and swore never to drive more than an hour for one again.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.

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