Has anyone bought Dance Dance Revolution?
lol yeah..... well when i'm at work i'm on the computer all the time...... then i usually get home and go back on the computer.....

i just play games and watch anime when i'm extremely bored late at night...... as for playing DDR though i have it all at home i don't play it much..... but i usually go to the arcades once a week and play :p

and yes it IS alot of money.....
Quote:Originally posted by "Zagatto"

Another great music game is Frequency on the PS2. I've seen it showing up at discount prices in Zellers and Target.

booo! frequency is downright dull. if you're looking for a good controller based rhythm game on PS2, go after gitaroo man.
Quote:Originally posted by "desfunk"

as for hard vs soft...... yes the soft pads aren't that good..... but for $15-20 a piece it isn't that bad......

you can mod the soft pads very easily to help them feel like the hard ones. just grab some thick plastic floor covering from a hardware store to cover the front and bottom of the pad with ( how you do it is up to you, but if you want it to look decent, take some time figuring out how you'd like it to work).
"How do people find work between work, anime, and videogames? I have enough trouble as is balancing the first two."

You just have to find some other things to cut out.. like sleep and eating. =)
yeah i should mod my soft pads....... i've seen a couple sites around the net which show how........

and yeah Gitaroo Many FRICKIN ROCKS!!!!!!!!!! i didn't mind paying $70+ for that game (that's canadian)......
Quote:Originally posted by "lifestop"

You just have to find some other things to cut out.. like sleep and eating. =)

Well I like sleep. As is I usually only get about 6 a night. Sometimes I'm lucky and can pull a 9 or 10 hour doze.

As far as eating goes, I eat extremely fast at breakfast. Lunch exists somewhat. Dinner takes sometime however I eat most of all my snacks over the sink like a real man (though there are more manly places like in front of a TV with Sportscenter).
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection
DDR has some catchy songs. Though I would like to hear more anime remixes in there. Plus some stuff from J Pop (Ayumi Hamasaki ^_^) or Canto Pop (Faye Wong ^_^). Either would be pretty cool.
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection
there actually ARE some j-pop tunes redone in DDR.... as well as normal domestic (us) songs done...... various oldies.......

as for anime... there's Be Together (by globe i think :p ) and Hot Limit (originally by tm revolution)..... and yeah 3rd and 5th mix have MASS catchy tunes n_n

and you just can't beat Brilliant2U and B4U n_n
Boo to Frequency???
I find it has deeper game play than most of the music games out there. I've heard that Gitaroo Man is decent but haven't played it yet.

As for time... lets see here... there are 168 hours a week... I sleep 6 hours a night for 42 hours total... eating, showering, and transition times for about 2 hours/day fro 14 hours per week... work = 40 hours/week... so far we've got 72 hours a week of time left to play with.
I spend about 2 hours/ day online for 14 hours/week... 2 hours watching video of some sort (anime, movies, or TV) for another 14 hours... and I still have 44 hours a week to spend with my wife, daughter, and friends... pretty good time management if you ask me.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
damn Zagatto hehe... u pretty well organized... or is it u are really well conditioned.. by the misses hehe *grins*
I'm sure that she has at least a little to do with my scheduling of things.

I just wish that whip would come out more often (sorry if I'm sharing too much here).
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
LOL Zagatto Wink *mails Zagatto a cat-o-nine-tails key chain... maybe this will be a clue *grins*
hmmm, I'm not sure. Can you explain with lot's (read: LOT'S) of diagrams and pictures.
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection

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