Has anyone bought Dance Dance Revolution?
Has anyone bought Dance Dance Revolution on playstation? I'm not a huge Video Gamer though I've totally conquered THPS (Tony Hawk) 1 and 2. Also have beaten the hell out of Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy 6. Is Dance Dance Revolution a game a can pop in and play for a little bit after I come home after work? I started downlading the soundtrack, all I can say is just...incredible. I'm going to definately buy the soundtracks.
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection
Quote:Originally posted by "Steve_the_Talking_Pie"

Has anyone bought Dance Dance Revolution on playstation? I'm not a huge Video Gamer though I've totally conquered THPS (Tony Hawk) 1 and 2. Also have beaten the hell out of Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy 6. Is Dance Dance Revolution a game a can pop in and play for a little bit after I come home after work? I started downlading the soundtrack, all I can say is just...incredible. I'm going to definately buy the soundtracks.

Typically DDR is played with a softpad, as it's a dancing simulator game which requires you to step on arrows to the beat of the music. Softpads range from 10-20 bucks depending on which brand you get, and there are also hardpads with plastic arrows, and metal pads which are typically a few hundred (but recreate the arcade feel, which is rather important to some diehard fans).

It's possible to play DDR with your controller but it really misses out on the true fun of the game. Unless you plan to use a controller or enjoy a pseudo-aerobics workout after work, it's not really something that can be used as a relaxing game.

Currently there's only DDR USA and Konamix on USA PSX to my knowledge; the rest are all imports and require either the swap trick or a mod chip. Later versions of DDR also have an anti-mod chip algorithm so you'll need a stealth chip for your mod chip too. =P
-- "Your victory will be our bravery."
Sweet I'll look into it. I'll definately have to buy the one that is out right now. Ofcourse I plan on buying the pad, or otherwise I'd just play Parappa the Rappa (I can pretty much get to the free style in every level).
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection
This is one of my favourite games to play with my wife (at least of the video variety). We have two dance pads and play whenever we don't mind shaking up the house a bit (we've got bouncy floors).

There are actually a few different R1 releases of DDR so far. Disney has the Jungle Book and Mickey... which are both great for kids. The actual Konami DDR. In November, there will be a new mix for the PS2 available.

Another great music game is Frequency on the PS2. I've seen it showing up at discount prices in Zellers and Target.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
I got a playstation, however I hope I can pick up a PS2. It's just I'm not a big video game fan (I used to be, however studying andd working destroyed that). I'll keep looking on ebay. How much do MOD and Stelath chips run for?
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection
lol you guys are 2 legged freaks playing DDR =D heheh
Quote:Originally posted by "JunkieJoe"

lol you guys are 2 legged freaks playing DDR =D heheh
Correction "Happy assed 2 legged freaks playing DDR"
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection
wow.... i was just wandering around this forum (as you can tell i'm new here) and stumble upon a topic about DDR.....

and was like "WHOA!!! this forum sooooo kicks ass!!!!"

but yeah, as you can tell i play..... i have it at home (2nd mix, 3rd mix, and MAX for the ps2) and i play it all the time.... though i seem to go to the arcades to play 5th mix more.....

you just can't beat getting exercise AND having fun n_n
lol ^_^

correction: 3 two legged freaks hehe Wink
Ok. I need to hook myself up with a PS2 for DDR. However I will get the DDR for PS One. I hear it sucks but that is ok. I'd play it in the arcade but unfortunately I'm a whiteboy with no dancing ability whatsoever. Someone I know at this comic bookstore can do doubles on level 8. 8O That's really good.
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection
Yeah, I have the US and JAP version for the Dreamcast. I also plunked down $150 for two high quality hard dance mats. The game rocks. =)

Get a big TV, huge sound system, and a room full of friends.

Warning: The soft mats may be cheap, but they suck compared to the hard ones. Save your money, and go all out!
oy... i feel bad that you have both the dreamcast versions u_u.... those 2 have some of the worst song selections out of the series......

in my opinion 3rd and 5th mix have the BEST songs..... followed by 6th mix (MAX)......

as for hard vs soft...... yes the soft pads aren't that good..... but for $15-20 a piece it isn't that bad......

then you have 3 kinds of hard pads..... there's this one where all the buttons are kinda elevated and circle shaped.... those pads are BAAAAAD, then there's the completely flat one which i've heard good things about....

and of course if you have the money.... you should get yourself some metal dance pads.... too bad they're anywhere from $150-300..... plus $50 shipping..... but you can't get any better then those..... someday when i get extra money and STOP buying anime i'll get myself 1 metal dance pad :p
DDR sounds like too much money to get in too. Though I will definately get the first one for Playstation.

Yeah I have a good sound system. Well at least it has a subwoofer.
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection
I didn't like 3rd mix. =[

I still may get the playerstation version as well, but I really haven't been all that impressed yet. I'll Never know until I try 'em all though.
How do people find work between work, anime, and videogames? I have enough trouble as is balancing the first two.
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection

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