Ghibli fans rejoice!
According to this website, Nausicaa & Porco Rosso will be released in North America by the end of the year. Lets hope its true. I'm especially excited about Nausicaa
Great! Hopefully they will be full of extras like my Spirited Away disc. :mrgreen:
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
I don't like extras. They either make the DVD more expensive since it's 2 DVDs, or it takes bitrate away from the DVD if it's on the Same DVD. I just want the full 7.68 Gigs to be used on Video alone.
Though of course, if the recent three Ghibli DVD releases are any indication, it's very likely that they'll be on 2 DVDs, and very reasonably priced.
Man they're gettin a new dub?, the streamline one was excellent, the new Laputa dub was shit, then old was miles better...baka disney
The old version was so edited that I doubt they could use it...unless you WANT a heavily edited version of Nausicaa.
sorry l was referring to the Porco Rosso dub
The french Porco Rosso dub is the best and will always be the best :mrgreen:

Lets all forget Warriors of the Wind dub ever existed.
Also doesn't Nausicaa DVD in Japan already contain a Dub? Did Disney do it, or did they get some other company to make it?
I doubt there is going to be a Nausicca American release, and there has never been an official Nausicca DVD release. Just makes me wonder if Japan hasn't released the DVD yet, why would it be released in the US?
Quote:Originally posted by "kakomu"

I don't like extras. They either make the DVD more expensive since it's 2 DVDs, or it takes bitrate away from the DVD if it's on the Same DVD. I just want the full 7.68 Gigs to be used on Video alone.

Agreed. I hate extras. I never bother with them. I can just watch more anime. That's one more reason why VHS doesn't bother me.
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection
Steve, you remind me of that one guy in Otaku No Video. The one that has hundreds of VHS tapes in his room all over the place. And then they ask him if he's seen all of them and he's like no, but I have them. I'd love to see what your room looks like with all those tapes.

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