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Great PSP article! - Printable Version

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Great PSP article! - gohan32 - 08-13-2004

I got this link off another messageboard. This is a long, but easy to read article. There are lots of pictures, and empty space to take up room. Check it out: CLICK IT OR TICKET

note: for those of you who don't know, "click it or ticket" is an advertising campaign around here for people to wear their seat belts.

Great PSP article! - yukimoritenchen - 08-14-2004

seatbelts are dumb........who wears those anymore

Great PSP article! - DARK OSAMU - 08-14-2004

Quote:Originally posted by yukimoritenchen
seatbelts are dumb........who wears those anymore

You might like this...


Great PSP article! - gohan32 - 08-15-2004

I was all excited when I saw responses to my PSP arcticle thread. Then I saw that no one here seems enthused by the PSP. Sad ::trying to provoke responses::

Great PSP article! - wrxh8r - 08-15-2004

psp is a tricky area at the moment.There are many threads on various forums but due to crap all being known about what people actually want to speak about (battery life etc) most of the threads turn into ds vs psp fanboyism. or complete speculation.I think due to no new info really being released untill tgs in september that people are just sick of reading typing the same stuff.
myself. Im really looking forward to it. Smile
oh yeah and wouldnt it be cool if sony released
gran turismo green red and silver (silver having all the cars out of red and green togeth in one exiting package) gran turismo clasic, super granturismo and granturismo kart.
Smile i dont actually hate nintendo.

Great PSP article! - DARK OSAMU - 08-15-2004

I want the Armored Core and Metal Gear games for it. I would buy one for just those!

Great PSP article! - tsunami - 08-15-2004

I guess the PSP will be good.... if I can play GT4 on it that will be cool. I just don't see the price being affordable. It's probably gonna be uber priced and made with cheap parts. I wish companies wouldn't release tid bits years before they even release something. I guess hype doesn't hurt.

Great PSP article! - JingRoyale - 08-26-2004

I don't know about the PSP. I think the graphics are really good. They blows the DS out of the water, but, on the other hand the DS is alot cheaper so you get what you pay for. The games coming out for the PSP seem very promising. I am interested in Death Jr. But I think I will wait till the PSP is out for a bit before I make my decision if I will buy it or not.

Great PSP article! - Andromeda18_ - 08-28-2004

yukimoritenchen Wrote:seatbelts are dumb........who wears those anymore

Are you crazy?!!! You might say that now but wait until you have a serious car accident! 3 years ago my boyfriend's car was completely smashed between two trucks with the two of us inside. If it hadn't been for the seatbelts we'd be dead!

Great PSP article! - Owozifa - 09-04-2004

JingRoyale Wrote:I don't know about the PSP. I think the graphics are really good. They blows the DS out of the water, but, on the other hand the DS is alot cheaper so you get what you pay for. The games coming out for the PSP seem very promising. I am interested in Death Jr. But I think I will wait till the PSP is out for a bit before I make my decision if I will buy it or not.
I don't know if I'd say it blew it out of the water yet. There hasn't been all that much information at all about it, so I wouldn't be too sure about ANYTHING. There is a good chance that it will have better graphics though, what with coming out about, say, half a year after the DS. As with all systems the games are what's going to matter and not the graphics. This is why the PS2 is currently riding above Xbox, which DOES have superior graphics, and why the Gameboy rose above some of those other more advanced portable systems.

Great PSP article! - evilomar - 09-04-2004

Sony has been working on this project since the Playstation first hit the market. As long as the PSP doesn't play dvds, make phone calls, take pictures, or be capable to watch TV, I think it might be ok but I am more excited about Nintendo's new handheld.

Great PSP article! - tsunami - 09-04-2004

knowing sony they may just turn the PSP into some mp3 player/cell phone/handheld. as much as i love to multitask that is just too much but to be honest i think two screens is kinda retarded.

Great PSP article! - JingRoyale - 09-05-2004

I started looking into the DS a bit more and found that it has some okay games and features capable with it so I am at a stand still between the two.