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what company made the excel saga series i got - Printable Version

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what company made the excel saga series i got - NightRayne - 02-29-2004

i got excel saga from a site but it doesn't say what company makes it could someone tell me what company made it heres the direct link to the page

my best guess is animation video but it could be mi's perfect collection

what company made the excel saga series i got - Prophet Hero - 02-29-2004

Hazarding a guess, I'd say MI - they have started to do Perfect collections with Chinese subs.

what company made the excel saga series i got - NightRayne - 02-29-2004

well that was my guess but i hope someone can find out for certain for me i just want to be clear what it is for sure but thx for confirming my guess actually it doesn't have any chinese subs just english

what company made the excel saga series i got - dvd_master - 02-29-2004

That does look like MI.

what company made the excel saga series i got - NYxCalm - 02-29-2004

M-LOCK = MI! on the case

if it has a black bar with yellow font text describing the discs, type and language, its mos def MI! 4 sho!


regular clear armary, or plastic transluscent gates are never MI anymore with their new batches.


what company made the excel saga series i got - Terrex - 02-29-2004

If you have any FX sets, stand up the Excel Saga box next to them. MI set's (correct me if I'm wrong, I only have one MI set) should match up to the FX set pretty well. If it's much smaller (in both width and height) then it's most likely a MAC set.

*Edit* Whoops, re-read your post. I guess my post has no relevance then. I think AV set's also match up in height.

what company made the excel saga series i got - Last Exile - 02-29-2004

FX is almost always on the case same with others !
MAC has an email on the disc

your set might be MI from that link.


what company made the excel saga series i got - NightRayne - 02-29-2004

well since its a mi perfect collection what i want to know is it better then fx's version does anyone own the same excel saga i do and have the fx version as well or has seen it or something

what company made the excel saga series i got - Terrex - 02-29-2004

Quote:Originally posted by Last Exile
FX is almost always on the case same with others !
MAC has an email on the disc

your set might be MI from that link.


Oh yes, I forgot completley. I think my mind must have left the room.

what company made the excel saga series i got - bmvtoys - 03-07-2005

That be the Manga set...better looking box (usually the norm with the manga stuff). B

what company made the excel saga series i got - CrayonShinChan - 03-09-2005

Another way is to weigh them. FX weighs slightly less than MI & AV sets.

what company made the excel saga series i got - zrdb - 03-09-2005

My best guess is that it's FX. (That's what I have.)