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A broken bone dosen't hurt that much, but I can take alot of pain. :mrgreen:
yeah, when I once went to the doctors to get x-rays on my foot that they found was only sprained the doctor said that sprains actually hurt more then brakes but I thought if my leg snapped in two I think it would hurt more. :mrgreen:
I had kind of a combo.
now that must have, hurt, of course the sickest story I have heard is when a guy got his nut sack torn open.

Yeah a torn nutsack must hurt. :mrgreen:
it hurts just to think about it ..... must ....clear....mind

Hmm..i've never broken anything. I suppose the worst thing I have ever gotten was those common bloody/scraped knees from falling. ((I did it often actually..yeah I was a klutzy little kid..))
lucky...... I must have pulled muscles and sprained this and that more times than I can count but somehow I have never actually broken anything :mrgreen:
Well where shall I start? I have a bike story when I was 7 and had to get stitches in my lip. I broke/fractured my left wrist twice (1 time I didn't realize it for 3 weeks, just kept hoping the pain would go away). Got a concussion playing football, but didn't realize it (thought it was just a bad headache) and then went and played the next week and got really fucked up (a concussion gets worse if you don't rest for a while). I couldn't bend my legs and would start to blackout when I'd go from dark to light and vice versa. Got 13 stitches under my left eye last year because of a football game (I'm still paying for that since I didn't have insurance at the time). I broke my pinky knuckle about 5 months ago (once again, I waited 2 weeks before going to a hospital. kept hoping the bruising and swelling would go away, which it didn't). I'm not going to go into stories for all of them, but I think thats enough for now.
Did you read mine?
I almost died from an insignificant bolt!
oh yeah I saw that one, in the newyears thread a while back. I once alomst got grinded by the propellers of a moter boat. :mrgreen:
You guys are full of injuries. I cut my middle finger on my left hand strait to the bone with a kitchen knife. No stiches. :mrgreen:
I but my finger once as well, (if you consider the thumb a finger that is) didnt know what to do so I just put on like 5 or 6 bandages. :mrgreen:
I cut myself more that a depressed fourteen year old girl. :mrgreen:
yeah, I know some people (which I will not mention the names) who tried to kill themselves multiple times and even went to the nut house for a litte while.
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