Well, it looks like Manga finally decided to release HNK on DVD. Hopefully they release more than what was on the VHS editions. . .
Go with the HK. Perfect subs Great video, and audio. Plus manga won't be able to screw you that way. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
PLUS............the HKs have the original opening and ending. Manga made their own for the VHS versions. I hope they go back and get the original for their dvds. As if I'm going to finish the series off with their crap any ways. But it's just a thought.
It's 152 episodes. I refuse to give Manga that kind of money. Give it to Manga International!!!! :mrgreen:
yeah, the HK looks pretty nice. :mrgreen:
Than buy them!!!! :twisted:
to much else to buy at the moment. :mrgreen:
ahhh... so much anime so little time.
Less excuses more solutions. :mrgreen:
I can't wait to buy more anime. This week I'm getting a couple Hikaru no Go boxsets. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
I wish I could buy more anime but I just spent most of it on a spree and now I am saving up for some expensive stuff.
I get paid friday. It's sucks when you only get paid once a month. :mrgreen:
I still get money by way of allowance, so theres that and then 20 bucks for baby sitting this saturday.
Watch out Kakoi, I hear the later volumes of Hikaru no Go suck ass, TV rip and engrish subs
I've heard the same thing. I know it is a tv rip but that's okay as long as I see it. I can understand japanese so crap subs don't matter. Thanks for the warning.

How did you learn japaneese, I only know a few frases that I have picked up along the way.