The question was could you do it without vomiting, but that is still worth something. There is now way in hell I would do that. You'd have to provoke me with something better than beer. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
someone can do it without barfing, that person just has to be motivated. :mrgreen:
I could do it for $1000. :mrgreen:
And I can shit golden bars!

Quote:Originally posted by "kakoi_sugoi_yama"
I could do it for $1000. :mrgreen:
yes, I think we all would (or at least give it a shot) , but both sides have to be equaly weighed and for that I think like 1000 people would have do give a dollar each.
Quote:Originally posted by "DARK OSAMU"
And I can shit golden bars!
Where do I sign up? :mrgreen:
first you have to have them shoved up there. :mrgreen:
Yep! Only Demi-Gods and True Gods can handle such unspeakable acts of anal probing! Wait...that didn't sound right! :roll: :wink: :mrgreen:
yes, I am not worthy
*bows down to anal probing superiority* :mrgreen:
Choo Betta Baa daan b-atch! I'll make cho moma dos it toobs! :mrgreen:
im sorry I cannot understand your cluttered english
You better bow down B-atch! I'll make your mamma do it too!
*bows lower*
uh oh that cant be good...