Wich anime charchter pisses you off so much you want to kill him. I want to kill Sailor Moon :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
I kinda wanted to kill Tsukasa from .hack during the first 6 episodes. He was such a prick. I like him now though. I would kill Tenchi. For all the obvious reasons.
Definately Sailor Moon

kill sailor moon? damn u cruel ;p did she reject u or something lol ^_^
it would make a great show to kill sailormoon
No, JJ, I just find her the most annoying of all the Sailor Senshi.

Jim from Outlaw star and Sarah Mcdougal from Love hina just find them annoying.Chibi Moon also can be killed!! she is more annoying than Usagi is.
Anyone from Hamtaro. I would love to put a Ham Ham in the microwave. :mrgreen:
Add Pikachu to the microwave with those damn hampsters.
Jim, no! Not JIM!
Ahem. I'd take out the cast of Yu-Gi-Oh, half the cast of G-Gundam, Buu from DBZ, all of the moon sailors, and throw in a hand full of ham hams for good measure.
I think I'd take out Yugi.
I would kill Sailor moon, the one with the english dub, so increadibly annoying.
Why do you people hate Usagi? Hate Buu, or hate anyone from Yu-gi-Oh, but there is nothing wrong with Usagi. Serena worked for me too. :mrgreen:
Jim from Outlaw Star could be done away with. :mrgreen:
Ataru Moroboshi from UY. I want LUM dammit!!!! :mrgreen: