He thinks he is a power ranger now. He is in a mental institution. Poor Bastard.
It could happen to anyone.

Alright, enough bashing the poor red ranger. I think he made an awesome Vash, give the kid a break. =)
I refuse to watch the Trigun dub now!!!! :mrgreen:
You should really giv eit a shot, IMHO. :mrgreen:
Well it Looks CN will have to up the antie if the are going to compete with ADV
for Anime viewers.... Maybe that's why they have that new policy huh Suzakuseikun...
Oh and Suzakuseikun I was back reading the thread you turned into the Human Torch on a couple of people all I have to say is "Flame on"
Jason was his name on the show, I doubt that was his real name.
Quote:Originally posted by "Suzakuseikun"
You should really giv eit a shot, IMHO. :mrgreen:
I'm just kidding. I heard the dub was really good, so would end up checking it out. I wouldn't put a boycott on it because of one of Saban's stupid henchmen. :mrgreen:
I have all the R1's. If only there were a way to take the english off and give it to you.

That would be nice. :mrgreen: I'm going to pick up the FX set. :mrgreen:
Someone must have had a gun to your head, or you just didn't know of HK DVDs at that point. :mrgreen:
That was years ago when trigun was first being released. It took them forever.
I dont think Amy Jo Johnson (Pink Ranger) did porn. She has done a lot of TV movie crap and thats about it...Shes pretty old now 32...She was 23 when i was but an 8 year old...Bless her womanly body she was the only reason I watched Power Rangers. Ok Ok Ok, I liked it but still it wasnt a bad show for kids, now we look down upon it because we are grown up, but imagine how it is for the kids still in the age of inosence.