I'm pretty sure they won't censor anything more either. I can't recall anything from Trigun that will get shot down, and I like the dub acting better than the Japanese acting in that one, so I couldn't be happier. As for Kenshin, that is absolutely awesome. I haven't seen the dub, but I wasn't crazy about the Japanese either (Kenshin sounded far too effeminate for my tastes.) Regardless, I think it's great that CN is picking up new anime as such a blinding pace, it's nice that a popular channel over here is showcasing this art. I mean, Bebop, Trigun, Outlaw Star (needlessly censored), .hack, Yuyu Hakusho, Inu Yasha, Gundams, Kenshin, and I'm sure I'm forgetting a few. They're really getting a respectable library.
Also, I don't see any reason why they shouldn't air Slayers. If you watch the standard Sunday night lineup, Sealab 2021, Harvey Birdman, and the other lineup of 15 minute shorts from Ghost Studios, I've seen more serious sexual content than what's in Slayers.
LOL, I guess its written in the stars or something
well i lets hope they dont censor any thing
It looks like eva is coming to cn as well, I saw a commercail on it, I dont mind cn getting more to show, it will help expose more people to the way of the otaku, that before then only watched shows like sailor moon and dbz.
Hello, and welcome to three weeks ago (When this was announced).
Anyhow, they're only playing 2 episodes of Eva. Three of Nadesico.
Some people just aren't with. Wait I'm not. :mrgreen:
Yep. They want to addict you to the shows to make you buy DVD's and tapes.

No, they're doing it to promote their channel.
it's some giant robot week or something it's the 23-28th I think.
I don't really care to much about what makes it on CN. I used to before I even had it. I wanted it for Sailor Moon S, before I owned my fan subs. I thought that I would watch anime on it all the time. Now I have enough money to buy the shows on DVD or VHS and enjoy it at my own leisure. Not to mention no commercials and it's un-edited. I'm waiting to see CN put some Pink Pineapple shows on the Midnight run or at least Golden Boy. :mrgreen:
Yeah, I know what you mean, watching anime on tv used to be the only way when I only knew about R1s but know I can by fan subbed or HK, and I don't have to wait until the next day to watch each episode. :mrgreen:
I was playing football when G Gundam premiered. So I would race home every day after practice and still miss it.

You really didn't miss anything that good.

You could say that if you didn't enjoy the series. I really liked it.

I did think the stereotype Gundams were funny.
You guys know that Vash's english voice was a Mighty Morphin' Power Ranger right?