I am getting 5 manga books for $10
How to draw manga ninja high school
#10 pen white tech
#11 heroic anatomy
#14 wardrobe
#15 special effects
sooo happy
I have about 12 of the How to manga books. Although the best way to draw half the stuff in them is to look at something real. the only true tips you can get from a how to book is minor details and quick reference. Clothes....just throw a shirt on the bed and draw how it looks. Scenery...look at it and put your own twists. This is the best way to learn. Books are for when you can't get outside or acess to something physical. They do help with techniques on shading and pen use or other such raw material. Plus they are fun to read through.

Yeah, I don't have any drawing books, occasionally I like to do a quick sketch but for that I just look around or look in a magazeene for Ideas.
yea, well i thought it was a good price for it!
Yeah, good luck on your way to being an artist.
heh, u have seen my work, i believe i am an artist, i must now b a master
No, I you may be an artist but you are not and artiest, that is what you should strive for.
I am terrible at drawing and will never bother with it. Also, Ninja High School is an AMERICAN comic, therefore it is not manga. Just in the style of it. :mrgreen:
Drawing is fun, that is why I do it..........................................................WOW! ok I hear I wasn't drawing again...zzzzzzzzzz
Drawing is more fun when you actually have some sort of talent. :mrgreen:
Yeah, talent helps but what it really takes is practice. :mrgreen:
does anyone know if you can get garage kits in the US? that would be pretty sweet :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
It is a kit to make figurines with, I have never actually owned one but I would buy one if I had the chance :mrgreen: