Does anyone know what happened to Batz Kage? By the time I joined he had stoped posting. I looked at the member list and he has 555 posts but it seems like he just disapeared some time. :?
1st reply w00t
well, i never really knew bat kage,w as he cool?
Well, it's a sad story involving a car? Nah, he was posting like crazy, and all of a sudden it stopped. He was one of the youngest, if not the youngest on the board. His dad banned him from the internet for a while. He came back for a little, but I guess he realized that he could live without posting so he gave up. A shame too, because he was a cool guy, and he enjoyed the Misfits. :mrgreen:
Zagatto, WarAries, and Somebodykillme, are gone too. :mrgreen:
Yeah, I just asked because I was reading through, steave the talking pies head for kicks, and noticed that I had not seen any recent posts from him.
He is a mystery. :mrgreen:
yeah, its funny, his last post must have been a few months ago but he still is number 6 for most posts.
Yeah the Misfits for Batz I miss him too. He was so full of life and then BAM he's grounded and dead from the net. Perhaps those damn pink elephants got 'im again.

Yes I miss the guy two...hell I remeber the "Steve or Batz" Thread...LOL
tell me about him, he sounds cool
BATZ WHERE ARE YOU!!!! :mrgreen:
Who knows? I bet he's "playing in the mud" again! :wink:
If you read the Batz vs Steve thread then there is no more to tell.
SomebodyKillMe was Chuckopolis, he's banned. WarAries I actually saw on the member list the other day, and he posted a few weeks back. Zagatto posts every now and then.
Somebodykillme was on here a couple days ago. It hasn't been a week. I saw him on the list of currently online users. :? WTF???
Edit: Nah man, I was right.
Quote:there's only one, Chuckopolis/Somebodykillme. And he/they are banned.. So this thread is more like a warning to anyone who even thinks about ripping someone off at this point. -Shibo
So yeah, that's odd.