I just recently bought the Neon Genesis Evangelion perfect tv set and movie from Animaniacs, and I thought since it is probably the same set at this site then I might as well review it. But anyway getting to the point, when I searched for and found it the link to click on that said no reviews was not a link at all and I could not click on it, I have also noticed this on a few other sets in the past but havn't mentioned anything...
Okay, the AV set. Hm...not sure. But I'd reccomend making your screencaps bigger - they're way too tiny to tell anything about the video quality or subtitles.
if u are not logged on and the item has no reviews u get "No Reivews" not a link... if u are logged in into the site (not the forum) then u will get "Add Review" link instead of the No Reviews...
but i am guessing u figured it out since i had some reviews from you... please note that u only have to submit a review once, then upon my aproving of it will it appear on the site
Oh yeah, I felt like an idiot when I figured that out just a little bit ago.

weatdrop: thanks for the reply anyway :mrgreen:
so, it is alright for us to post reviews, dope, i have some coming