AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!, I just lent out my macross saga to a friend and his little sister scratched it up pretty badly. I like to keep my anime discs in perfect condition and this really makes me mad :evil: :evil: :evil:
feel free to post any bad experiances that you have had in the past.
AH! I'm sory..ack. Is your friend going to pay you for a new copy..? That is the right thing to do. My good friend Erin who is one of the people whom I let borrow my anime..well she has a little brother and sister who would pull a stunt like that so she has to keep my DVDs in a safe distance from them! ^__^ But..if I were you..I would have my friend buy me a new copy. When I let people borrow my anime I am a total baka when it comes to that..I tell them.. "Your responsible of it. Treat it as if it were your baby. It must be in perfect condition still when I get it back."
Sorry to hear that.
Take care,
Yeah,I had a friend break the clasp off my one DVD holder in my MI Kenshin set 1. I told him when he bought himself the set, he was giving me his case

I bought my cousin AKIRA for Christmas last year and now he uses the case to store "pariphenailia" in it. I was PISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil: :evil:
Yeah, I might make him pay for it but first I am going to get a disc doctor to see if it helps do anything but if not, then he will have to fork it over.
Quote:Originally posted by "DARK OSAMU"
I bought my cousin AKIRA for Christmas last year and now he uses the case to store "pariphenailia" in it. I was PISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil: :evil:
Ow, thats gotta hurt. Well I guess some people just can't appreciate quality anime when they see it.

I got a disc doctor and it worked wonderfully!
HOORAAAAAAY :!: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Getting off topic for a second, does anyone know where to get another bottle of cleaning fluid for the disc doctor, I spent more then half of it on my macross saga that got screwed. :?
LOL but your not gonna let that friend borrow any more of your DVDs are yah? Also..how much do disk doctors cost anyways?
Take care,
The disc doctor was $30, and for that price I will not lend anything to my friend ever again. I didn't make him pay for it though but if anyone ever damages anything of mine again I will show no mercy! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
2 options with getting more fluid.
1) Buy eyeglass cleaner, It's the same thing.
2) Water, it works the same way. Trust me, I have done it. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
NOT glass cleaner, though. It has a chemical inside which actually eats your CDs.
I lent my friend my recca fansubs, and his vcr totally fucked the tapes-they have nice little slices in the tape ><
In terms of dvds; one of my friends kinda messed up my plastic cover for my lain vol 1... not THAT big a deal..... and he also tried to clean my friend's vol 3 disc of beserk from as cause it wasn' t playing right-he scratched the shit outta it..... but whatever, hes buying her a new pretty gatefold berserk rather than the crappy spindle one she had

alright I think that I will just use filtered water. It seems like that would work the best. (Cheap Bastards) :mrgreen: :mrgreen: