I hurt my foot a month ago at work, and just recently the pain has been bothering me. I went and got it looked at on Monday, and today they got the X-Rays in. Seems that not only did I pull all the muscles in my right arch, my foot is also fractured. So, tomorrow morning, I have an appointment with a foot doctor to see if he's going to cast it or what have you. Wish me luck guys (and gals).
I fractured my eye socket on New Years (icy stairs and alchool don't mix) and they took X-rays and a cat scan and they still missed the fracture. I only found out it was fractured when I was still seeing double a week later and the eye doctor concluded it was fractured.
Wow. If I was hurting like that. I'd smack my doctor upside the head and make them look till they found a fracture. ^0^
Good luck Suzaku.
That's messed up how certain things don't give us trouble until WAY after the incedent. And doctors sure get paid a lot to simply "conclude" things. I conclude they're idiots! Now wheres my 500 dollars? Anyways Hope you get better fast! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Thanks guys. They put a cast on it and said that I should have got it looked at a month ago. Now, I have three weeks to get it to heal, if it doesn't, they gotta drill a pin in it.


That shit is nuts. Make sure the bolt works right. ^_^
How the hell did you accomplish that feat? :mrgreen:
Just came back from the hospital. Had surgery on my left eye to fix the fracture, I had to sent the night next to some indian lady with kidney stones, she spent all night crying out in pain
Damn guys. I thought I had it bad when I scraped my knee on the carpet. Cried like a bitch!!!
Ok here is my story... I was signed up to join the navy even went to navy boot during the summer between my Junior and Senior year. Well on Feb 12th of 1997 I was at a friend's house with about 12 others and we were jumping on a trampline in her backyard. (See where this is going) Well I was jumping and the a good bud of mine jumped in and I caught his bounce all wrong. I came down on my right leg as the next bounce was coming up.
The doc later told me the force put on my leg bone was the same as if I was laying on my back and had my legs straight up in the air and someone dropped 500 pounds on to my foot. It snapped both Tib and Fib bones. I feel flat on my back and felt this unbelieveable heat run throught my lower body. No pain yet. But I knew it was broken. My friends thought I was joking because the pop they heard they thought it was a spring in the tramp that popped. I wished...
Well at the hosp... I had a choice 4 moths in a cast up to my hip or a 5 pound bar through the center of my broken bone. I took the metal. And nearly a year to the date it happened the same doc removed the metal because of improper coating and I got infection. So there it is my broken leg story...
Oh and because I got the metal I never went into the Navy (thank god) but after it was removed I joined the Air Force WTF
Sorry this post was so long
OUCH!!! Well here is my amazing story.
I have low iron in my blood and am a little animic, which means I am succeptable to black outs and tunnelvision. I get tunnel vision on ocasion when I stand up too fast and because of my iron/animicy I get REALY bad nose bleeds. So anyways....I was watching tv one day about 2 or so years ago, and went to the bathroom which is right across the hall from my bedroom, you don't even have to turn to go into the bathroom door it's a straight walk from one door 2 feet to the next. I think I went in there to get a q-tip or something like kleenex, anyhoo I went in there for 2 seconds and turned to come back to my room. Well I had my weight bench set up in my room and because what I'm about to type is why it is no longer in my room. As I was leaving the bathroom I remember getting tunnel vision and it happened so fast I didn't realize I was blacking out. 10-15 minutes later I wake up streched across the hall face down in the floor. I heard something yelling "oh God it hurts it hurts so much" and I thought it was the tv but it was ME! I realized I was on the floor and my face hurt. I picked myself up and my teeth hurt and my nose was bleeding BAD. As I was picking myself up I happened to look up and saw I was less than 6 inches away from my weight bench and the leg of it curves out along with the bench part for about 5 feet and where you hook a stand up attachment was 2 inches of a bolt sticking straight up. If I were another step further ahead and blacked out not only would I have had a broken nose I would have been dead. I was lying on the side of my face and the whole right side of it hurt, but any closer and a bolt would have been in my temple and I wouldn't be here today. COOL HUH? :wink:
I too apologize for such a long post.