o`_# ARR MATEY!!! Yes rippage will soon be mine!

Hehe, I'm gonna rip the Now and Then, Here and There dvds to divx soon, PM if me if you're interested. Hopefully I'll be done in a couple of weeks. Man I need a bigger hard drive. I want to rent and rip stuff.
HAHA cool! Yeah I'm interested! I'll rip you some more surprises too!
No problem. Should be done in a couple of weeks, my computer is damn slow

Geez weeks huh? What kind of processor you have? I have an Athlon 1900.
Celeron 700, 3-4 hours to do one episode. Yours should be alot faster.
3-4 HOURS!?!?!?!?!?!! Dude go to pricewatch.com and you can get one better than mine for like 100 bux or so!
newegg.com is good stuff too!
A better processor? Then I've got to get a new mobo also cause I dont want another celeron or a P3. In time I'll get a better computer.
Anyways I just queue a couple of episodes, and leave my computer on overnight while I d/l fansubs and its done
That works too! I have a dragonlite Mother Board. It is able to be LOADED!!!
My com blows goats. I still haven't been able to watch the stuff you sent me on my computer! It sucks. I brought them over to darks house and was able at least to watch the first episode of Wolf's Rain. I'm currently trying to get this dreamcast to run DIVX files. So wish me luck. :wink:
I think the resolution on those files is too big to play on the dreamcast. You're probably gonna have to change. The files have at least a 512X384 resolution
yeah probably so. It dosen't really matter though. I'm going to be buying my own computer. So I will be able to watch them. Soon. Actually it will be after the con.

Soon! So very soon! I'll help you build it! :twisted:
Yes you will have to take me to Comp USA to help me pick out all the right parts. I'm giddy as a school girl already. :mrgreen:
WEEE! It's a pretty straight shot into Charlotte but will take a while to get there! I'll ask my Uncle and get real directions! Mybe my truck wont explode this time either! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: