While I can see where you're coming from, it does not clearly state there will be three models. The core could easily be replaced with the 20 gig model. Would be the best price drop ever. =P It's been speculated it will drop in price before christmas anyways. We'll have to wait and see what they do.
7 year old with a 360?
Whats he going to play?
Viva Pinata and what else?
ten to one hes playing gears of war by the end of the year.
Sony yet again announces just how badly its doing, the 20gig ps3 is dead, they will no longer maufacture the 20gig model, this on top of news that the ps3 is now no longer the cheapest bluray since you can find players for 500 means that since sonys sales are down accross the board the ps3 fumble could faoschawrtz them.
In other news I am hyped about gta4 since its a newyork style city I cant wait its also going to be the first one I play since they have never interested me and yes when you live in ny its all about ny.
They may not have announced it until now but they havn't been making the 20 gig model in well over a month.
Not sure if i'm gonna play GTA4. Played saints row and loved it. Might be too soon for another of the same genre for me. Plus crackdown is similar only you have super powers. =P
Btw Cidien how many Wii's have you sold?

I cant see why the 20gig model was so bad. If i was going to get one it would have been that.
Its funny how sony said that two models was confusing for the public when microsoft did it, and then they do it and cant even stick with it.
Then microsoft goes and ups the models to three.
Weird, and sad.
We've sold every wii we've gotten pretty quickly. With that said, we havn't sold one in like 3 weeks simply because we havn't even gotten one. Nintendo is being extremely slow in producing them. I have trouble not laughing in mothers faces when they come up to me and ask if we have any wii's... at like 8 PM. Ya... even if we did... they're long gone by then.
You say slow in producing them but they are actually above production levels of Xbox and the Ps3. The problem is that the demand for them is so much higher then either of the other two systems.
^^^I agree... They are selling for 300+ on eBay. After that you have the $35.00 s&h so people are spending a good amount on those things. They are pretty fun though!
I'm really more interested in their next console where they (i assume) will work out a lot of the bugs and make it so that the curser on the screen is exactly where you point. Doing that is so insanely hard sometimes. Getting 4 people that have their cursor exactly where they point is damn near impossible.
Was at Walmart today and saw all three xbox 360's in the store.
They had two of each, but the cores have beent here for months from what i can tell. They really should get rid of the core model. They had the new black controlelrs and acceseries as well, and i have to say i like the look of the black controllers better. Ill have no problem getting one with a white console.
Got my 360 today.
Would have had it last week but the one amazon sent was broken in two at the bottom.
Got it through one of those gift sites that i started back in april.
Have two games so far
Kameo (got for free from live search club)
Gears of War (bought off ebay for about 40 used).
Also an extra wireless controller i bought on ebay for 25
Finally a play and charge kit and an extra battery pack i got from amazon.
Even through my tvs component input it looks great.
Gears of War and crackdown are the only 360 games I still own. Gears is the only one I still play quite a bit. Should really sell crackdown. =/ The darkness is a great game but i'd rent it. I was stupid and bought it. Only takes about 8 hours to beat and the multiplayer is terrible, even if every single match I played had no lag... which they all did of course. If I were you i'd sell kameo without even putting it in your 360. That games terrible. Currently waiting for stranglehold and bioshock. Both look pretty awesome.
Just bought Crackdown and Jade Empire Limited edition for 25.
Loving the wireless controller. The shoulder buttons make things so much easier.