I don't know if this helps any, but I got a 360 around Christmas and have been happy with it since. I bought one extra controller and use regular Energizer rechargeable batteries that I already had. They work great, and with the 15-minute charger, well, big thumbs up!
As for heat, my system doesn't get too hot, but maybe that's because I game for max. 4 hours.

With all the information I have been able to gather I will probably hold off on buying a system until either the late summer or early fall.
I want to have one in time for halo 3 but unless my relatives give me one or i come into some big cash for some reason I think ill wait for the first price drop.
I just hope my old xbox is still worth something by then. Id like to be able to get something for it on resale.
I wouldn't wait for a price drop. I can pretty much guarantee you there wont be one before halo 3. M$ is smarter than that. They know their system sales are gonna skyrocket when that game comes out.
I bet there will be a price drop before halo 3. Money is not made in hardware sales. Money is made in software sales after the hardware purchase. Also with Sony possibly forced to do a price drop on the Ps3 due to shitty sales, Microsoft would want to come right back with a price drop to ensure that the 360 will stay cheaper then the Ps3.
Also, I found out how much money stores make on consoles. It's insane. On the $600 ps3 they make a whopping $12. On the Wii they make $17. I don't remember the 360 but it's about the same. As soon as I start working by myself at my new job (training is such a pain in the ass) i'm gonna be looking all sorts of stuff up lol.
Also if they do plan to release a version two system with added features then selling off the remaining stock would be easier if they dropped the price
Besides nothing says buy halo3 like, hey our system is even cheaper now.
Id imagine the increased sales of their game would help make up lost money on lowered consoels since the profit margin is going to be bigger
Cidien Wrote:Also, I found out how much money stores make on consoles. It's insane. On the $600 ps3 they make a whopping $12. On the Wii they make $17. I don't remember the 360 but it's about the same. As soon as I start working by myself at my new job (training is such a pain in the ass) i'm gonna be looking all sorts of stuff up lol.
I'd love to know how much stores make on games. Do you know?
I'll know in about a week when I start working on my own. Right now i'm in training and pretty much just do what i'm told.
With the speculation on the new 360 goin round I feel its a safe bet that microsoft will release its gen2 this year. The new ver in australia at least is black has hdmi and a 120 gig hdd and a black controller, suposedly sources in australia say its official for an april launch, and australia usually gets its games after the us and for more money. I would not be suprised if m$ announced that ver for the us around the same time. If they did I would go right out and get one immediately. A new ver is what I am waiting for.
I have already bought a bunch of games that now sit next to my wii unwraped, doa4, motogp06, gears, lost planet, fear , star trek legacy and oblivion. I also preordered the halo 3 legendary edition.
I just really want them to release the hd seperate. Not doing so would be an insanely stupid move. I really don't want a whole new system. I've got a gears of war faceplate and skin on my 360 that I really like. Last time I looked they were going for about $80 on ebay so I doubt i'm getting another one.
I think sony had a better idea with their drives
being able to upgrade the size yourself is a good idea. Why does Microsoft feel the need to be proprietory, well other than money.
If they want people to download and buy things, then let us stick our own huge ass drive in or offer us your drives at reasonable price. 99.99 for a 20 gig drive is just assinine.
Indeed. I think the hard drive space is the worst thing M$ has done with the system. I'd buy/download more if I had the room. =/ Like to keep at least 2-3 gigs free and i've hovered around there for about 2 months now.
Just one more reason to hate sony. Every time they announce a new press release they give me one more reason to hate the retarded monkeys in charge of their company. I take that back. That's not fair to the retarded monkeys. They'd just sit around doing nothing, which is a hell of a lot more intelligent than what sony has been doing.
That was really funny.
Wow for the first time I am starting to look at the PS3 as the Dreamcast 2.0. Ouch! That is the same exact mistake Sega made, they kept pumping out machines and ended up with tons of unsold units.
I am starting to think that all those lonely ET cartridges are about to have company!!!

Its like they have no idea what they are doing, like they forgot everything they did before.
My wall mart has had them for over two months now. Ive only seen one guy buy one, and he didnt even buy a game.