This is a rather random question..but I was thinking of this and it made me wonder.. If they wanted to..could the U.S publishers sue the people selling rips of the R1s ((Like FX)) and such and force them out of manufacturing?
Random question that I thought I should enquire on hehe..
take care,
Yes, most definitely. I certainly hope it never happens, but it could. Anyone who owns the rights to the series could sue, but it would take so long I don't think anyone cares. I support the creators in my own way. Definitely not through R1's. I don't want to help pay for a dub I despise. So yes they could sue. Let's just hope they never do. Heck even if they did another company would form and do the same thing. 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O
They'd have a hard time tracking down and hitting people in Korea. Those kind of lawsuits would be rather redundant, expensive, and the company would probably just change names and continue to sell.
Only one company has actualy did this.. They really didn't sue but they sent cease and decists to all the sites carrying there products. And they actually got FX to stop making the R1 rip of there Boxset which was the Macross Boxset from Animego that FX was going to rip.. And that is also why you won't see any KOR on this site because Animego has the rights to it in the states well the Series.
Synch-Point cracked down too. No FLCL , or Digi-Charat, though they only one rights to a commercial of Digi :? .
Yeah, a few companies have managed to stop online retailers from selling rips of their stuff.. Sure is hard to stop a private email to the seller though.. Just because it's not listed doesn't mean the seller can't get it...

I recall quite a crackdown on Digi Charat and FLCL.. Somehow I managed to procure them anyway..

Rips are annoying. I would hate to spend $250 on a KOR set everyone else was getting for $50.
Quote:Originally posted by "Steve_the_Talking_Pie"
Rips are annoying. I would hate to spend $250 on a KOR set everyone else was getting for $50.
Yea but they wouldn't get the editorial notes or the cool ass big box that it comes in.. ;o)
Yeah, the KOR notes were really nice.
You did pay for quality. 8O 8O
Hehe..OOooo *dreams of all the anime* I'm going to have muchos of it! Now I won't have to always pay $30.00 for 3 episodes. O_o;;;; *Note: I am fairly new to all the hoopla which is R1 rips and things of that nature.* *is very excited* Anyways, unto a more serious point..yeah I can imagine how hard it would be for them to shut down these completley when I think about it. Hmm..this place is vErY informative. ^_^;;
Take care,
I remember when I was new to HK dvds. I still can't believe I paid so much on R1's. I was such a fool. 8O 8O
You should join the IRC chat sometime, RaininaUpwards ^_^
I remember once someone told me that they raided some stores in the Chinatown in my city that were selling bootlegs and fansub tapes and now the stores here are real careful about selling bootlegs.
*looks stupidly comfused*
The people you talked to raided as in stole the bootlegs and whatnot..or the police did because the bootlegs are illegal and so now they are really careful about selling them because they do not want to be caught. LOL I am so dense..but just wondering.. ^_^;