I have a complaint! on the second box set..where the 10th DVD goes..they forgot to glue the plastic part where the CD goes into down! Ahhh..ok just teasing not a big deal..I am just going to use super glue later. ^_^;;; Ohh I am so excited! haha..soon I will be starting Kenshin, halfway done with Ceres and then it is Kenshin time! whooo! Then time to start playing Silent Hill 2..and then time to buy more anime!! whoooo *odd mood*
Take care,
All of my MI and FX boxes are doing that
The plastic on my Maison Ikkoku Box 3 is coming off. Nothing can be done. Oh well. That is unless I buy a new set. Hmmmmmmmmmm :mrgreen:
Super glue I tell you!! it works like a charm!!
But it will mess up the artwork. :?
Just lay it on reallyyyy thin on the sides. You probable will not even really notice it; if at all. On my Kenshin Box-2 I accidently layed it on to thick it little blops and I can see it..ack but oh well..just lay it on really thin and make sure it is the clear kind.
Take care,
I don't like working with white goo. :roll:
It's clear though. haha. Sure beats the hell outta buying a new set. O_o;;
I am virtually letting the whole world borrow my sets! haha..there is literally a line.. My friend Erin borrows them, then jaimie, then so and so and etc..hopefully they do not start falling apart on me! X_x;
Take care,