Ach..I hope it clears up. (( order should get here sometime mid-next week. ^__^)) I enjoy both dubs and subs. Usually though, the dub has to have a lot of character, emotion, and such for me to really enjoy it. I can deal with both..but some dubs are just SO horrible..I will have to switch to Japanese. But yeah..I sure hope it clears up. Anyways..cannot wait till my order gets here!! ^___^
Take Care,
The Kenshin dub was done well by Media Blasters. 8)
Sorry guys but it clears up for like two episodes then goes back to doing the same thing. It isn't something that can be overlooked. I mean it sucks to hear the sound before you even see it on screen. The dub seems to be perfectly synched though every time. I wish it was the other way around. Sure the English actors did an Ok job but this is a series that is best left in Nihongo cause of the old style speech and history is more suited to the native tongue. I don't understand how these errors happen... I can do a perfect dvd rip myself and so can many fansubbers all without errors and we don't have top of the line equipment. I can understand how Hong Kong rips can have bad english subs but video/audio synch problems shouldn't happen. Unless you prefer the dub I would buy this with caution. It isn't a perfect rip. The video and audio are good themselves but for the Nihongo track it seems to always get ahead of the video somehow. At first I thought it could be my player so I tried it in multiple dvd players and even the one on my computer. But still the same synch problem. Amazingly, to my knowlege the English track is perfectly synched to the video every time. Things don't look to be getting any better in disk 2 either but I'll continue on to report.
Kaioshane 8)
How scary. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! If it seems to be continuing on the second disk I do not think you just got a bad rip or something. Is it so far ahead that it is very noticeable? stressful!
I'm now on disk three and went through 3 perfect episodes in Nihongo but then that synch problem started again... the japanese track got ahead of the video yet again. Like I said it is about a half a second ahead of the video so all the fight scenes are off and you hear sword clings before they even happen and thumps before people fall to the ground. Really irritating... I've somehow managed to keep watching it like this but it is becoming unbearable on the THIRD DISK. They could have fixed the problem by now but No! The same thing is still happening. I don't know if I will be able to watch any more of this set. It's taking the fun away.
Seems my only alternative is the $400+ R1's. No! I don't have that kind of money. Ah, and I've already bought both FX box sets. Ah, I knew this would happen. I knew it was too good to be true.
This set is perfect so far if you like the dub. But beware of the Japanese track... so far the subtitles have been really good as they should be coming from an R1. Also as I said sometimes the subs are timed perfect but overall good. But all that is meaningless when the audio and video aren't synched.
So you've watched the English Audio, and it is perfect. I really like the dub and hope it's fine. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Everytime I checked the audio was perfect on the English track. But I haven't checked all the episodes in English. Want to buy them from me? I'll sell at discount cause I watched the first three disks. I have both FX box sets. Very nice box with great artwork... Too bad the Nihongo audio wasn't ripped properly. Ah, well... Can't have everything without paying $400 that it is.
Have you tried skipping a few disks for the small hope that it gets better and stays that way? Never know..Then have watched three disks already. Hmm..You know..if you just want to watch the japanese dialogue..there is a MI set out which I have heared is pretty good and is subtitled..
Take care,
Kaio, I sent you a PM regarding purchasing those boxsets (or perhaps one of them, seeing I am low on cash.)
Worst case scenario: EMail Flora, let him know about the problem. Maybe he'll do a rerip or something.
That is a problem that is so frustrating. I am surprised you stuck with it as long as you did. My hat's off to you. Looks like you have some parties interested in buying it from you though.
I might end up keeping it. I tried watching the dub which is perfect and I did for a few episodes until I couldn't stand it no more. I can see how some people like the dub cause it is one of the better dubs out there but still it can't compare to the original.
I think I might have caused you guys to think the synch problem was worse than it really is. I'm very picky so it was kinda bothersome for me plus the fact that it is still going on by the third disk. However, it is only a half second behind which means the only time you will really notice is during very fast scenes such as fighting. It is still very watchable and the problem just might clear up in the fourth disk. Like I said, the only time you can tell when it is out of synch is during some fight scenes. Some people that don't pay close to details probably won't even notice. Overall, I'd say this is a great release for a HK rip. I was just a little flustered cause it was almost perfect. The video is excellent for 8 episodes a disk! When you put that many on one disk you can expect little pixilation during fight scenes but it isn't really bothersome. Both audio tracks sound excellent. The subtitles are direct from R1 and sometimes they go by too fast but excellent timing most of the time.
I'd say it could have been perfect but I can't complain for the price I paid.
The dub isn't terrible. I even watched the U.S. Renditions dub of Guyver, which left people's mouth movements un-dubbed, so they just moved with no dialogue. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
I saw some like that too back in the day. Simply terrible.
I agree with you that the Kenshin dub is good but I just can't stand Sano's voice. Sure he is a tough guy but the voice didn't seem to fit the character for me. I'm not one of those who only watches subs. Cowboy Bebop is better dubbed IMHO as well as Ranma 1/2.
Back to topic... I'm really enjoying the Kenshin FX set. I'm on the fourth disk and everything seems to be great on both tracks. There was a little bit of synch problem at the start of an episode but it seemed to clear up. Hopefully won't be too much more of that in the next disks. It is barely noticable unless it falls behind too much.
This is the best set out there unless you have $400+ to spend.
I recommend it!