Schultz Wrote:What stuff was removed? From what i remember the US version was little bit harder and have more stuff in it. Like the two bad ass guys you had to fight.
From what I know, the US version had more stuff to do than the original Japanese version. Such as adding the Weapons in, and the Weapon attack on Junon.
That was what i was talking about. The guy before posted saying stuff was removed in the US version.
Yeah, he's a moron. I'm just confirming your statement.
Kinda surprised so many fans don't like the movie. In an hour and a half how much story do you expect? If you added more story you'd have less eye candy and people would bitch about that lol.
Cidien Wrote:Kinda surprised so many fans don't like the movie. In an hour and a half how much story do you expect? If you added more story you'd have less eye candy and people would bitch about that lol.
You know, that probably is why I liked the movie, and why others didn't so much. The story has always seemed to me a little wtf to me (too much hypocrisy for one thing), so the fact that the action was the focus was something I was all for.
from what i have been told by many people is that the japanese version had a few more weapons (enemy weapons) and some other stuff and if you get the computer version they are added in if you update it. Of course thats just what ive heard i don't know if its true maybe it's just a bad rumor.
Ive never heard the us version had more though ive always heard it had less
oh and id say a comment back to psygenius but i dont want this to end up in the flame forum

Cyrus Wrote:oh and id say a comment back to psygenius but i dont want this to end up in the flame forum 
It wouldn't, someone would delete your post or you would be ignored. And I have heard from several people that U.S. version had even more stuff than the International version did. For instance, the whole sequence of Zack rescuing Cloud from Nihbelim (that isn't spelled right...I don't care either) is only in the U.S. version.
I might like the game but am a fanboy of nothing. I havent even dusted off my copy in three years.
Vagrant story was a full render and wholely pixelated, the characters in ff8 were terribly pixelated, ff7 had the best battle graphics and ff9 was cartoonish. Anyway graphics dont matter compared to story and gameplay, as far as that goes ff7 ranks very high.
Dragoon was also very pixelated and the battle graphics were worse than the in game ff7 models.
Advent children messed with the character models, had no story or a normal story as far as Japawhat storys go, and the action wasnt even good, now the characters fly WTF, also everyone else was tacked on stupidly, they insulted the best ff charcter ever (CID). They should have named it clouds stupid sidestory, or super extreme cloud battle fight ultimate adventure bonanza, subtitle: final flying fantasy children!
Cyrus Wrote:from what i have been told by many people is that the japanese version had a few more weapons (enemy weapons) and some other stuff and if you get the computer version they are added in if you update it. Of course thats just what ive heard i don't know if its true maybe it's just a bad rumor.
Ive never heard the us version had more though ive always heard it had less
Yea like everyone has said. The US version actually had more. the Japanese didn't even have the weapons included to beat. Too bad i actually ended up beating them without any cheats. Just leveling the crap outta my chars and learning some tricks of the trade against those fights.
geo85 Wrote:I might like the game but am a fanboy of nothing. I havent even dusted off my copy in three years.
Vagrant story was a full render and wholely pixelated, the characters in ff8 were terribly pixelated, ff7 had the best battle graphics and ff9 was cartoonish. Anyway graphics dont matter compared to story and gameplay, as far as that goes ff7 ranks very high.
Dragoon was also very pixelated and the battle graphics were worse than the in game ff7 models.
Are you sure you're not a fanboy cuz your points make you sound like one of those dumbasses that makes a point, but in reality the truth is exactly the opposite. I mean c'mon, ff9 was cartoonish? Sure, and wind wakers graphics blow too because they're "cartoonish". I think you need to "dust off" your copy of ff7 because you have no idea what you're talking about.
Maybe my memory of the games is rusty but I didnt like ff9 so I dont remember it well.
If you go to gamespot and search for ff9 scroll down youll find and article from Jan 2001 when squaresoft announced it was going to remake ff7 8 and 9 on the ps2, I think they should have. Also instead of putting out the old ff games in 2 game sets they should have made one collection on the ps2 at like $65 that I would have bought.
i really have no oppinion on the remake, ive played ff7, it is a great game and one of my favs...but thats just it, ive played it. Why should i pay another 60 bucks for a "prettier" version? and changing the battle system to the ass of ff12 is a discrace to the turnbased genra...frankly i think square-enix has completly lost its roots in the rpg world. as for the movie...thinking of it completly seperate from the game...if i had never played the game, i would have still thought it sucked, compaired to the average movie its not that great, which is saying alot since now a days the average movie is horrid!
Yea, I loved the game so I really don't understand why I hate the movie so much. But anyway, about the big thing that is important for me is voice acting. I think it would suck if they gave Cloud a pussy voice like the guy in FFX (I cannot remember his name for some reason). But still, that wouldn't even take away from the greatness of a remake.
Yeah, they need actors like the ones from spirits within that had very strong and distinct voices, bad voice acting can ruin a game.