Ok I just read a thing in game informer that says they're going to remake ff7 with the ff12 battle engine. While all I want is updated graphics and maybe a little more story added in that's cool. The thing is I can't find this info anywhere on the net. It sounds like they're going to be making a ff7 for the ps3 but aren't confirming it. At first I thought maybe I had my april issue and was in the game infarcer section but no, it was a serious little blip. What do you guys thing? Anyone have any other information?
Also please no complaining about remake threads or anti ff stuff please. People who say a ff7 remake is a dumb idea are insane and are in the minority for people who played ff7. If ya didn't like it that's cool but saying a remake of it is a bad idea is about the dumbest comment you could make in video games.
Graphics are a main reason I don't like that game very much. The Materia system is a Close second. Cloud himself follows them, but has shifted down to tres recently, and really is a minor gripe compared to the other two. Graphics are NOT (edited in, because I always forget the one damn word that changes the meaning of what I wanted to say!) usually high on my priorities list, but FFVII is ugly. I hate it, and more so because it always pissed me off. There was a ton of stuff the I couldn't see in the crappy rendered backgrounds that served to confuse me. Changing the Materia system would also be welcome to me, but in all fairness, that almost seems like changing to much. To hear Cid would be great. He is my favorite Character of all time in a FFVII game (very, and I mean VERY, closely followed by Aruon...who is the undisputed badass of any RPG. EVER.). Making the story seem fresh won't be that hard, since I remember quite a bit of stupidity (i.e. horrible lines), and even some engrish, that could be fixed.
As far as I know, SE has always said, no they aren't going to make a remake, but I have always interpreted that as, "Until we want to." I know they will do it; there is too much money in it for them not to.
Cidien Wrote:What do you guys think?
Also please no complaining about remake threads or anti ff stuff please. People who say a ff7 remake is a dumb idea are insane and are in the minority for people who played ff7. If ya didn't like it that's cool but saying a remake of it is a bad idea is about the dumbest comment you could make in video games.
If you want us to tell you how great it is going to be why not just out & say it, don't ask for an opinion then say you don't want to hear it if it's negative -_- (yes I understand the point you were getting across, so you don't have to explain)
Oooo, FF7, although I loved it, is greatly over-rated, but still one of my top five favorites, tying somewheres in 2nd-3rd place with 6 & 5.
As for the remake, hmm, if it was a remake of a game like SO2, I'd say yes, as it is hard to find. If you want to, yet haven't played FF7, then you're likely just to lazy to do it, as every Gamestop has atleast 3 copies.
I'll mostly like buy it, I might enjoy it, who knows.
If it didn't need to be explained furthur you wouldn't have needed to write that. I didn't say don't write anything negative about it did I? I just asked retards who are going to write nothing except FF7 sucks so a remake would suck to refrain from posting. It serves no purpose whatsoever and every ff7 remake thread i've seen has at minimum one of these people who for some reason think it's their duty to tell the hundreds of people who loved the game and would love to see updated graphics that their game that sold over 9 million units sucks. Now I just spent way more time on this than I wanted to lol. Was hoping people would actually listen for once and not make a big deal of it but I guess asking people not to is like yelling at someone to go do it.
Hm... I would really like to read the article to give you better insight on what the article actually says. I know that Square-Enix has not made an announcements about making remake of FF7. The only thing they did was the FF7 Intro with "PS3" graphics tech demo. And I would not know how Game Insider be able to get some of this information before other groups.
I would think that there is still a lot of speculation going around, and I would still call all the gossip as just that. Until Square-Enix makes an announcement about it, I'm not going to believe in any rumors about an FF7 remake.
Game Informer not game insider. And it's under loose talk now that I look again. Basically means they got it from a source and it's not announced. Thing that makes me excited is they don't print things unless they come from reliable sources. They're very rarely wrong and I doubt they'd write something about ff7 without an extremely good source. Game Informer often gets this kinda info before other mags though.
I heard about it and its just like you said. A little blip on a page. If this was certain it would be front cover material on every site and magazine. But if you saw the reactions to the E3 clip last year they'd be stupid to not do it. I wouldn't be surprised if they announce it next week. I'd surely buy it again. Not too sure about ff12 battle system. I've only played the demo and it worked but I think I like to keep the old battle system.
Oh wait, nvm. If it has the
12 battle system F that. I played the Demo and that blew. I absolutely hated it. It was very much in the vein of FFXI, and that game sucks hard too. Feels cheap to use a MMO style battle engine in a regular game. Some other people said some thing about, "Well, at least their trying some thing new." I'd rather them try something, you know,
fun instead. I'd also like them to get rid of clichéd characters and pretty boys (leads or other wise) but I know that is asking too much.

More Aurons are welcome tough.

But I'm not playing 12, becasue besides it's graphics, it looks like crap and plays like it too. And if they remade VII with 12's battle engine, then I would never play the game.
hopefully its ff7 with the added stuff the english version got taken away from the japanese version. Better graphics, faster game play, maybe some new menues, some new mini games like at cosmo canyon. Some stuff like a scoreboard like the shadow heart games have. And maybe a way to ressurect aeris. If it had that stuff that would be awesome. The only battle system i would be satisfied with other then the original would be a star ocean 3 kinda batter system though i think the original would be better if it was just a little faster, voice overs too would be cool and maybe like some really cool art wook on load screens and just little extras like that kinda like a special edition of the game and it should come with chocobo dungeon cus ive never seen that game in my life

This rumor has been back and forth since the last e3. In fact it was a rumor when they were making ffx, square rumored a remake on the ps2. I would love a remake since it is my fav rpg although I hope they dont use the advent children models cause that movie was garbage.
I am puzzled by blights dislike of the ff7 graphics since it had the best graphics of any rpg on the psone, just look at dragoon or vagrant story, if you cant stand ff7 your eyes will bleed with those.
Honestly I doubt square will ever come around to remaking it, and if they do I think they will upset a lot of fans by messing it up. If they want to remake all they have to do is update the graphics and put it all on one disc, thats it if they change anything else then they are retarded.
Having a way to resurrect aeris would be extremely stupid. It would completely nullify the greatest most emotional moment of the game.
And ff7 did not even come close to the best graphics in an rpg on the ps1. Hell the next two FF games alone had better graphics. Legend of Dragoon also comes to mind.
geo85 Wrote:I am puzzled by blights dislike of the ff7 graphics since it had the best graphics of any rpg on the psone, just look at dragoon or vagrant story, if you cant stand ff7 your eyes will bleed with those.
Hahahaha, yeah right. Vagrant Story is ugly too, but still looks better than FFVII. And LoD is a step between FVII and FFVIII. Best graphics on the PS1? What the hell are you talking about? VIII kicks it's ass, and I have never played nine but some said it looked as good as some first generation PS2 titles. More than anything that statement makes me laugh cause I now know you are one of those possessed super fan boys lol.
Cyrus Wrote:hopefully its ff7 with the added stuff the english version got taken away from the japanese version. Better graphics, faster game play, maybe some new menues, some new mini games like at cosmo canyon. Some stuff like a scoreboard like the shadow heart games have. And maybe a way to ressurect aeris. If it had that stuff that would be awesome. The only battle system i would be satisfied with other then the original would be a star ocean 3 kinda batter system though i think the original would be better if it was just a little faster, voice overs too would be cool and maybe like some really cool art wook on load screens and just little extras like that kinda like a special edition of the game and it should come with chocobo dungeon cus ive never seen that game in my life 
What stuff was removed? From what i remember the US version was little bit harder and have more stuff in it. Like the two bad ass guys you had to fight.
I read that article to on, but as stated earlier a remake has been rumored for years. Hell a remake for 6 was actually rumored before 7 hit. I have already bashed 7 enough in the years I have been here. I never liked it, end of story...if you want to know why, just look at any Final Fantasy 7 thread in this webpage. As far as a remake, sure why the hell not? Why not remake the game that sold PSX like crazy in Japan and US? To me it will just be another interactive movie, not an RPG. I will probably watch my girlfriend play it. On a side note I did enjoy Advent Children.
evilomar Wrote:On a side note I did enjoy Advent Children.
It still makes me laugh that the people that hate FFVII the most here actually liked the movie lol
