Warning, profanity will follow.
Those fucking bastards at Viz just basically stole my $15. They fucked up the dub of naruto. The dub is just fucking horrible, but hey I was gonna support it anyways and watch the japanese version. Just one problem, THERE'S NO GODDAMN MOTHERFUCKING JAPANESE AUDIO! Not only that but it's edited! Wanna know where they tell you it's the edited tv version only? In a tiny damn corner on the back of the box. Fucking assholes. I hope their goddamn building catches on fire at night and burns to the ground. I mean shit, even tokyopop had the decent sense to add the original japanese version of initial d to their fucked up english version.
Goddamn i'm mad.
I understand your pain, that sounds just like me when Nervana aired "Card Captors" on TV. :mad:
Wow! They're still doing that?! Releasing an anime with the english dub only? That's just absurd! What about those who want to hear it in Japanese?
When I noticed my copy of Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust didn't have the Japanese audio (which happened after I had already bought it) I immediately put it away and have yet to watch the movie. Fortunately the French edition comes with the Japanese audio. Now I just have to remember to order it.

But really, this sort of thing sucks big time!
I whole heartedly agree with you...you damn republican :p.
But seriously, you know why they did it? Because they didn?t want people to hear how bad they botched. HARDCORE CRITICAL FAILURE!!! (um, sorry for the D&D terminology. I don?t know what came over me). But this is awful. No source audio, no good music, no fucking brains. Viz needs molested with the rainbow beating staff.
You know what, i wouldn't complain if they left the dub enedited. Since at least it's better then nothing. But to release it on dvd ONLY with the edited dub is just disgusting.
That's still really really screwed up. WTH would they even release a cut version like that, and why does it take longer to release an uncut version..
Andromeda18_ Wrote:When I noticed my copy of Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust didn't have the Japanese audio (which happened after I had already bought it) I immediately put it away and have yet to watch the movie. Fortunately the French edition comes with the Japanese audio. Now I just have to remember to order it. 
The english audio of Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust is actually the original audio for it. The makers of the movie decided to release the movie in english only.
That Japanese audio only came out years after the movie was originally released.
As for the Naruto, yah, that really sucks big time. Go try to return it stating you thought it was the uncut version.
Cidien Wrote:That's still really really screwed up. WTH would they even release a cut version like that, and why does it take longer to release an uncut version..
The episode count on the Uncut boxes is 13 each so they wait for the equivalent to be released for the cut dvds. That's my guess anyways.
matthewmalay Wrote:The english audio of Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust is actually the original audio for it. The makers of the movie decided to release the movie in english only.
That Japanese audio only came out years after the movie was originally released.
As for the Naruto, yah, that really sucks big time. Go try to return it stating you thought it was the uncut version.
I doubt that would work unless he gets EXTREMELY lucky.
matthewmalay Wrote:The english audio of Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust is actually the original audio for it. The makers of the movie decided to release the movie in english only.
That Japanese audio only came out years after the movie was originally released.
As for the Naruto, yah, that really sucks big time. Go try to return it stating you thought it was the uncut version.
Dude, lol at your avatar. Monty Python rules. I saw a shirt awhile back that had that on it and almost ordered it.
A good thing about Viz: they're selling Death Note for $7.99!

I had only heard comments about how horrible the dubbing was. Sorry you got stuck with a bad egg.
Andromeda18_ Wrote:A good thing about Viz: they're selling Death Note for $7.99! 
Yay for death note!
And I love your new avatar/sig, Ergo Proxy is friggin amazing

Never even heard of it, but the avatar makes me wanna go check it out.
well, i torrent so i don't buy many new dvds, or i just pirate them shhhh. but i was reading this and i saw andromeda's avatar and i was like zomg ergo proxy, is it any good? i've been meaning to dl it. what's a good fansub group for it?