As i said.A long time.Downloading a dvd isnt the same as hd, how big are these files going to be.Even so there is only so much compression will do.You are going to loose quality.Not a good thing with the change to hi def.What will the time delay be to download.How many households within the next 5 years will be able to stream hd movies.Cause hd dvd and bluray are almost here.months
Tv companies are having trouble finding enough bandwidth delivering hd programing.I honestly believe that if they cant do it at an afordable price doing so in the home isnt viable YET. Im sure the technology is there, (which is more your feild.)
Even if a system like digital downloads works with some countries what will the rest do.Will the movie formats be split between hardware and digital.And as i said before what will the new media format be if this is all posible within the next year or 2.After all people arnt goin to want to download movies over and over.They still need to be written to something for storage or else no one will want to pay much,and movie studios wont want to support it.Basicly only movie broadcasts would be left.If its being written to something in your house which you have to pay for then why not mass produce it and offer it in that form in the first place for cheaper.
Maybe i missunderstand the whole downloading digital content thing but the way i see it.
Will average joe consumer:
-Buy a computer or device with a writable drive capable of holding true 720p-1080p movies in dolby digital plus surround 7.1.Or settle for non keepable movies.
-Get a internet conection of 54Mbps asuming average joe doesnt want to wait for the movie to download.(i dont think most consumers would change formats to something you have to wait to get.It would feel like going backwards.) This would also mean perfect conection to server with no hicups.
-Pay more on top of that for the movie or some type of monthly pay scheme for satalite broadcasting.Or internet movie rental
-And because we are talking a current change in formats im going to assume windows vista upgrade will be required for people with computers allready.Assuming they are powerfull enough to run them.
Or would you buy a blu-ray player and buy the movies on disk.From a store where they can see the product for themeselves in person and have someone to complain to when it doesnt work.Instead of ringing India everytime something goes wrong.A simple plug and play device that has no extra cost on top of the movie purchase.
How many average joe buy stuff off the internet.Whats their view on the subject and is it going to change in the next few years.
wrxh8r Wrote:Or would you buy a blu-ray player and buy the movies on disk.From a store where they can see the product for themeselves in person and have someone to complain to when it doesnt work.Instead of ringing India everytime something goes wrong.A simple plug and play device that has no extra cost on top of the movie purchase.
I'm with you on that. It's the same as music. I wouldn't pay to download something from Itunes I could get for free somewhere else. It would be the same for movies. I download movies then if I like them I buy the real thing it's just better. I play digital files on my tv though and it is good but not as good as having the actual dvd.
Yeah, downloading could be a problem. I saw (on a torrent site) a '24' episode in the highest HD quality and it was 16 gigs. That's 1 hour of film.
Actually digital downloads can be just as good or better then a dvd. Because the companies would be making them from the source instead of recompressing the dvd's. Right now everything is made from reencoding the dvd's which ALWAYS loose quality and thats what people are used to. But if you are encoding from the source you would probably have better quality then the DVD.
to check out some HD trailers i would go to and checkout there HD section. They are the best trailers for viewing. my current file is 2:30 secs for 183MB so if you do the math. for a 90 Min film it would be about 6.5 gigs. (Btw this is the Silent Hill trailer. pretty damn good you should check it out anyways though i don't recommend using Quicktime as you can't fullscreen it. i would get QuickTime Alternative and Media Player Classic to play those files)
So techinically if you used current generation codecs Mpeg4 avc you could make HD dvd players using regular DVD's not needing HD-DVD or Blu-ray.
But online movies downloads is the way of the future. Alot of companies are looking into it. Hell here in the states Phone compaines are looking at offering TV over there fiber lines for those few areas that they have Fiber to the home.
I agree in that i think its the way of the future.I just dont fall for the m$ conspiracy to stop bluray with hd dvd and wanting their own product to flop while preping digital downloads.There is plenty of time for a new format like bluray untill we change to a download type system.
heres a quote from A recent interview with phill harrison
Blu-ray disk will be the primary distribution format through retail for many years to come. What I am talking about is augmenting and enhancing that through additional content that is downloaded and purchased to the PS3 or PSP.
Parallel to that I think there is an opportunity for games that only exist in a network world but those are not mutually exclusive with a huge selection of disk-based product being the primary business generator at Wal-Mart, at Gamestop at retailers all the way around the world.
Not everybody has broadband or will have broadband for quite a while. I think it's William Gibson who has this great quote - the future is here it's just unevenly distributed. So while Korea might be enjoying fibre-to-the-home 100 megabit broadband today there are some parts of our territories where the telephone is a bit of a novelty. We've got to live between those two bookends. It will be a long time before we replace retail, if ever.
wrxh8r Wrote:So while Korea might be enjoying fibre-to-the-home 100 megabit broadband
100 megabit?!!! Ouch! We only have up to 16 megabit here. I can't even imagine how fast 100 megabit is!
Anyway, I'm going to ask a question about this whole HD subject, and I know I'm going to sound dumb but I'm going to ask it nonetheless. Do we really notice the difference in quality? I mean, there has to be a point when our eyes can no longer discern between awesome quality and even more awesome quality.
Yes you can really see a difference. Everything is clearer and crisper.
I am telling you go to and check out the HD content and the normal content you can really tell a difference.. Note your pc needs to be setup in high resolution like about 1600x1200 as the screen resolution on those clips are 1920x800.
Also if you get a chance to see a hd-tv in broadcast switch between like a Discovery HD and regular. You can really tell a difference.
Dvds are really crap and have lots of artifacting etc which is made even worse on the anime here at an even lower quality.Thats more of a quality of video thing (compression)rather than size.New formats add both greater compression methods as well as size.Dvds look very blury in comparison. click the actual pictures for larger version or else the difference isnt very noticable.Also remember that the higher the resolution the closer you can sit to an extent.
Bad photos dont really show the difference but the xbox360 dash.The grabbed pics above do better justice
Doesnt do it justice but here a few pics of oblivion.Just cause i felt like showing them

Both at 720p
Andromeda18_ Wrote:100 megabit?!!! Ouch! We only have up to 16 megabit here. I can't even imagine how fast 100 megabit is!
Anyway, I'm going to ask a question about this whole HD subject, and I know I'm going to sound dumb but I'm going to ask it nonetheless. Do we really notice the difference in quality? I mean, there has to be a point when our eyes can no longer discern between awesome quality and even more awesome quality.
It depends on what you're going from. If you have an old regular tv and move to hd it's pretty noticable. Only reason I don't really want an hd tv is all my burned dvds and hks lol.
The time I can REALLY tell the difference on a hd is when i'm playing a 360 game like ghost recon. It's so much easier tell the difference between enemies and objects at far away distances. It's rather amazing.
Oh and oblivion is fricken awesome. Do you actually use bows or are those random screens? Magic is so much easier and more powerful than bows I don't see much reason to use em.
Schultz Wrote:Yes you can really see a difference. Everything is clearer and crisper.
I am telling you go to and check out the HD content and the normal content you can really tell a difference.. Note your pc needs to be setup in high resolution like about 1600x1200 as the screen resolution on those clips are 1920x800.
Also if you get a chance to see a hd-tv in broadcast switch between like a Discovery HD and regular. You can really tell a difference.
I saw a HD tv on a store the other day and I have to admit the quality was really awesome. I could see all the details in these small flowers that were relatively far away but since the tv was huge I thought that was the reason why. While I admit you can notice the difference in quality I still say there'll be a point when that'll no longer be true.
Actually you will always be able to notice a difference just how the video is stored and how much data is in it. I mean dvd's are only like 720x480 for video res.. while HD 1080p is about 1920x1080 so you have more resolution to put more data for better picture. a good image showing all the resolutions with tv's are here
So when you keep upping the resolution and upping the data you will always get better quality. but you are right there will always be a point were the human eye won't be able to tell a difference anymore. Can't wait to hit that point. hehe
Cidien Wrote:Oh and oblivion is fricken awesome. Do you actually use bows or are those random screens? Magic is so much easier and more powerful than bows I don't see much reason to use em.
Im a mage.My character was from when i first started and wwas playing around to see what i liked.Also remember with bows you can add some nasty effects to the arrows with poisons
Another fun little example of the whole HD comparison thing. Download a lower grade rip of the new anime Ergo Proxy. Then download the 720p version of the same video. You can easily tell that there is a huge difference between both.
Then again, in the end both are STILL not as accurate as if you were watching it on a real tv with all the hook-ups. But it's still a fun little comparison.
I still find it funny just how many people don't even know that there IS a difference between all these hook-ups and resolutions and everything. To this day, i still know people who don't even know what S-video is (and their tvs support it). Even worse are people who own tvs that support even higher (DVI, component, etc) and still are running their basic crap connections.
wrxh8r Wrote:Im a mage.My character was from when i first started and wwas playing around to see what i liked.Also remember with bows you can add some nasty effects to the arrows with poisons
Mobs die so fast in that game it doesn't really matter. Can kill almost anything in 2-3 hits with my spells.