The new facts:
PS3 launch worldwide in november.
Fully backwards compatible confirmed (again).
60 gig. HD standard included.!!!
FREE online service from day 1.
I was a little woried when I read november but then they added worldwide and I was happy again. Normaly november in Japan means november the next year in europe but lets see if they keep their word this time (they didn't with the psp). The free online and standard 60 GIG. HD will be a nice argument for the fanboys.
Do you believe them? Are you excited? I know I am!
I've been waiting for this for so long! Of course I'm excited. I won't buy it right away though. I'll let them fix all the bugs first.

September 2006, PS3 release pushed to Q1 of 2007.. mark my words lol!
consoles need to die, PCs been pumping out better games/better graphics for years... PCs already became tools as opposed to luxuries... time for people that cant play with keyboard and mouse to plug in a joystick in the bakc of their PC...
now before I get spammed with "PS3/Xbox2 games looks amazing and u would need crazy PC do get those graphics" I will just say this:... 2gigs of RAM.... 100dollars, 1 step down from latest craziest video card. 300dollars, to be able to do just about anything else with your PC besides video games, priceless...
ps. for everythign else, theres PayPal MasterCard!
JunkieJoe Wrote:September 2006, PS3 release pushed to Q1 of 2007.. mark my words lol!
consoles need to die, PCs been pumping out better games/better graphics for years... PCs already became tools as opposed to luxuries... time for people that cant play with keyboard and mouse to plug in a joystick in the bakc of their PC...
now before I get spammed with "PS3/Xbox2 games looks amazing and u would need crazy PC do get those graphics" I will just say this:... 2gigs of RAM.... 100dollars, 1 step down from latest craziest video card. 300dollars, to be able to do just about anything else with your PC besides video games, priceless...
ps. for everythign else, theres PayPal MasterCard!
I don't doubt they'll push back the release to 2007, it has become a common thing by now. And I have nothing against PCs but nowadays the games I like only come out for the consoles so I guess I'm stuck with them. So don't worry, I'm not going to spam you with anything. :p
well thats the reason they come out on consoles, because of excusivity rights and all that bullshit.. imagine if consoles died and all those games flooded the PC market... PC sales would be up.... high end PC components (graphic cards etc) would be up, thus driving the price down... and all games would be compatable.... I wouldnt have 4 consoles collecting dust...
I want PS3 to fail, and fail hard... main reason for delays is they are trying to figure out a way to have games you buy "bind" themself to your PS3... so you cant rent,sell or lend your copy of the game to anyone else...
if this were the middle ages... BURN BABY BURN!
JunkieJoe Wrote:well thats the reason they come out on consoles, because of excusivity rights and all that bullshit.. imagine if consoles died and all those games flooded the PC market... PC sales would be up.... high end PC components (graphic cards etc) would be up, thus driving the price down... and all games would be compatable.... I wouldnt have 4 consoles collecting dust...
I want PS3 to fail, and fail hard... main reason for delays is they are trying to figure out a way to have games you buy "bind" themself to your PS3... so you cant rent,sell or lend your copy of the game to anyone else...
if this were the middle ages... BURN BABY BURN!
ugh, I love my pc and all, but I'm not about to spend 500-800 dollars to up grade this old baby. She can barely play games made in the late 90s. Whenever I do decide to upgrade her I have to get a whole new motherboard & everything.
I preffer to just spend about 300 dollars for a console, then buy my games games for about 15-20 bucks a piece.
Although computer games are a lot easier to pirate

Requiring the HD is a good move, I guess they learned their lesson with the FF 11 adaptor, I mean PS2 HD
If their launch titles are better than the 360's batch of games then I think they have a good chance to repeat their performance with the PS2.
Another delay might be possible, but wether its delayed or not expect shortages and price gouging to exceed that of the 360 come launch time.
Batz Kage Wrote:ugh, I love my pc and all, but I'm not about to spend 500-800 dollars to up grade this old baby. She can barely play games made in the late 90s. Whenever I do decide to upgrade her I have to get a whole new motherboard & everything.
I preffer to just spend about 300 dollars for a console, then buy my games games for about 15-20 bucks a piece.
Although computer games are a lot easier to pirate 
And you really belive the PS3 is only going to cost 300 dollars?! Well, I suppose it will if you wait long enough but at launch time it will most likely cost around the 500 dollars you need to upgrade your PC. I remember when my bf bought a PS2 back when it was launched (I bought mine later, when it was already cheaper), and after buying it, plus a memory card, the price wasn't far from that. The PS3 is definitely not going to be cheap.
JunkieJoe Wrote:well thats the reason they come out on consoles, because of excusivity rights and all that bullshit.. imagine if consoles died and all those games flooded the PC market... PC sales would be up.... high end PC components (graphic cards etc) would be up, thus driving the price down... and all games would be compatable.... I wouldnt have 4 consoles collecting dust...
if this were the middle ages... BURN BABY BURN!
Dude, you need to read the sticky on top of this forum:p
What you want isn't going to happen. Offline PC gaming is going to die out. Well, except for flash puzzle games and sudoku that is. Publishers are hardly putting in the effort except for a few high quality online titles a year. You are just jealous that console's get all the great titles. And that's not because of exclusivity rights! That's because it sells like 20 times as much than pc games and you got 1 piece of hardware to work with instead of hundreds of different components. Its easier to make good games.
New consoles will support full keyboard and mouse gameplay so why don't you just plant yourself behind a 17" monitor hooked up to a 360? I'll keep on my couch, 10 feet away from my widescreen tv. Why the hate? I don't play pc games because I don't like to be so close the the (small) screen when playing, I don't like the keyboard and mouse gameplay. I want to hang back with a controller on a big tv. With a console you know it will run new games for the next 5 /6 years. With a pc it runs out after 2 years.
Why are your consoles collecting dust? There's some great games comming out. What's new on the pc when you leave out fear?
Quote:I want PS3 to fail, and fail hard... main reason for delays is they are trying to figure out a way to have games you buy "bind" themself to your PS3... so you cant rent,sell or lend your copy of the game to anyone else...
This technology won't be used for the ps3. Sony isn't that stupid and they denied the rumour like 3 days after it came out. And pc games have the worst copy protection already (starforce). You buy a game, it fucks up your system. Great!
Andromeda18_ Wrote:Well, I suppose it will if you wait long enough
exactly, I buy my consoles cheap, like my used games.
Seriously I have a used early generation PS2, you know the kind that keep breaking down. It only started giving me problem two months ago, & the only games that are not wanting to play are certain titles I loaned to a certain someone who kept ripping me off, so the idea that he switched my copies isn't to far out of the question. Hell the brat moved away before returning 4 of my games that I paid full 50 dollar price for & on top of that he still owes me 20 bucks I loaned him for his car insurance -_-.
The problem is, PC games just flat out suck. Again, only a matter of opinion here. All the PC shoots out are endless FPS and Strategy games. And now it's gotten to the point where almost all games that are major get dual releases anyway. And half the times the PC are the final ones TO get released (and end up being crummy ports of console games). Not to mention, being a hardcore fan of japanese produced games and rpgs in general. The pc lacks in every single department there. Lastly, you're required to sit and stare at a monitor while playing PC games. I know all about tv-out (i've even seen hd-tv out before), and it just isn't that great. Not to mention, you have to totally f' with bizarro resolutions.
As for the ps3, it's quite the interesting news. Just to add more to the full list:
- 60GB HDD 2.5” with pre-installed Linux OS will be included?
- Dev kit specs fix as of today
- Final PS3 development kits will be sent to developers in June
- 10.000.000 BD-ROMS manufacturing capability per month @ cost around same as 2-layer DVD
- Every PS3 game will be on a Blu Ray Disc, in an attempt to prevent piracy
- Price will not be less than 50.000YEN (~$425USD)
- PS3 will have HDMI support from launch
- Sony plans to produce 1 million PS3s a month; 6 million PS3s for FY2006 (by the end of March 07)
- Basic online service free, no details yet (could be XBLS for PS3)
- Full backwards compatibility, hi-res and texture filtering for all titles (akin to what the Xbox 360 does to Halo)
- The online service will be working off of GameSpy technology
desfunk Wrote:The problem is, PC games just flat out suck. Again, only a matter of opinion here. All the PC shoots out are endless FPS and Strategy games. And now it's gotten to the point where almost all games that are major get dual releases anyway. And half the times the PC are the final ones TO get released (and end up being crummy ports of console games). Not to mention, being a hardcore fan of japanese produced games and rpgs in general. The pc lacks in every single department there. Lastly, you're required to sit and stare at a monitor while playing PC games. I know all about tv-out (i've even seen hd-tv out before), and it just isn't that great. Not to mention, you have to totally f' with bizarro resolutions.
The only thing I can say against that is Spore..
I plan to buy that game, & it's the only game I will have bought for the PC in about 6-8 years. Everything else I wait till it pops up on Underground Gamer & d/l it.
Just to clarify, the HDD has not been confirmed as standard, the online service will have a "basic" service that is free, however it hasn't been confirmed if that will allow you to play games online.
Other than that, thanks for the info but I knew it already.
Quote: A Sony representative has confirmed this morning that PlayStation 3 will come with a 60GB HDD as standard, but that can be upgraded if preferred. Some of the larger US websites have been speculating that PlayStation 3 would be shipping with an optional 60GB hard disc drive. However it was confirmed this morning that all PS3 consoles will be sold with the HDD out of the box. Sony's president of Computer Entertainment, Ken Kutaragi, announced on Wednesday that all PS3 games are being developed to take advantage of the 60GB HDD
If Kutaragi says all ps3 games will be designed with the HDD in mind then you bet ya it will be standard. Sony will NOT release 2 ps3's, 1 that plays games ans 1 that doesn't. They're under some presure so I don't think they'll be pulling any tricks this time arround.
the problem comp rpgs is that they arent the same as consol rpgs if you like d and d and stuff like that comp rpgs are great but consol rpgs just have a flare most comp ones don't
While fps is better on comp and strategy is better too the new consols may prove to outdo the comp this time around as far as fun. but thats just what i think may happen.
Most games just are better on consol hands down or at least more appealing.
I dont know if im gonna buy a new consol yet considering most newer rpgs suck but i may but if i do the xbox360 better pull out shadow hearts and suikoden and some other good rpgs or im not going 360 and the ps3 better pull out metal gear and a few others that are really good too or i wont get it.