Andromeda18_ Wrote:Then by all means, go play it!
I for one am going to get some sleep, it's almost 5:30 am here. Maybe I'll read a little something before though... 
man 5:30 in the morning. wow. i dont think i could even get close. i love sleep to much lol.
swmaxxx Wrote:man 5:30 in the morning. wow. i dont think i could even get close. i love sleep to much lol.
Who said I didn't get enough sleep? It must've been 6:30 when I finally went to sleep but I slept 'till 2:30 in the afternoon. 8 hours of sleep is enough, at least to me.
That's awesome...
It's 2:45pm and I'm just gettin out of bed. My weekends are the only time I can do shit and sleep in as long as I want. During the week I've got to be up at 3:30am and I start work at 4:30am. So when it comes time for me to enjoy sleeping I take full advantage of it.
Ouch! 4:30 am?! You start working at 4:30 am?! :eek: That's just too early!
LOL!!!!....yeah, I know. It's WAY early. That's why I don't feel the slightest bit bad when I sleep in until noon or later on the weekends. Some friends and ex gfs bitch about what a waste of a day it is to sleep in like that. The way I see it, I'm up from 3:30am until around 8pm daily. I'm up plenty.
I'm definitely not a morning person so I don't really mind if I sleep through it. I can do in the afternoon the same things I'd do in the morning so... But really, you start working way too early, specially considering you work 'till 8pm!
Andromeda18_ Wrote:I'm definitely not a morning person so I don't really mind if I sleep through it. I can do in the afternoon the same things I'd do in the morning so... But really, you start working way too early, specially considering you work 'till 8pm!
I know how you feel i'd rather be up all night and sleep all day. My family hates it but I've done that since I was a kid hell even my work schedule fits into things that way. Than again now a days for some reason I find being up in the morning to be a real mental downer.
lol!!!....I can see how that was misconstrued that I work until 8pm. No way in hell I would put myself through that kind of abuse and torture. :eek:
I usually wrap up my day around 1 or 2pm and then the rest of the day is mine to do whatever.
I miss being a student sometimes. The last time I was in a college classroom was probably 7 or 8 yrs ago. Ahhh....the good 'ol days....
snowboarder Wrote:lol!!!....I can see how that was misconstrued that I work until 8pm. No way in hell I would put myself through that kind of abuse and torture. :eek:
I usually wrap up my day around 1 or 2pm and then the rest of the day is mine to do whatever.
I miss being a student sometimes. The last time I was in a college classroom was probably 7 or 8 yrs ago. Ahhh....the good 'ol days....
Haha college isn't really all that great in my experience anyways than again that could be because I had a teacher that was a real jackass.
Puppet Master Wrote:Haha college isn't really all that great in my experience anyways than again that could be because I had a teacher that was a real jackass.
I agree with you. The thing is my whole life happens outside college so just having to go there is a real pain in the ass. I've done some subjects online, without having to attend classes, and it was the sweetest experience!
For me, my later days in high school sucked for multiple reasons (living in a motel my senior year for one), so I found college very refreshing. Everyone who is there is there by their own accord; because they want to be. That change in everyone?s attitude effects the entire mood of the place and makes it a much more pleasant environment.