I couldn't comment on Yu Yu Hakusho since I haven't come across it. Saw half an episode of Rumiko Takahashi's Inuyasha and thought that if people like that stuff, then he/she must like the dark side of things. The characters are ok, but the demons and the monsters would bring out a bad influence. Saw first 4 eps of Rurouni Kenshin and thought it was cute. Then again, I hear the series gets a bit serious as it goes on. These animes just deals with death and violence to put it simply.
(I love anime with guns) YEAH!
YamiFan Wrote:if people like that stuff, then he/she must like the dark side of things. The characters are ok, but the demons and the monsters would bring out a bad influence.
The dark side of things?! Bring out a bad influence?! :confused: Care to elaborate?
Andromeda18_ Wrote:The dark side of things?! Bring out a bad influence?! :confused: Care to elaborate?
Oh don't get him (her?) started... He thinks Eva causes mental illness and only christ can help you... I think they have mental illness... Go look at some of his other posts... Something like christ is the only medication ill people need or something...
Oh, I see... That explains the "bible studies, prayer meetings, church services".

Wow. The comments about YamiFan are pretty brutal. (Not that I know WTF he's talking about ...)
My two cents ...
Re swmaxxx: Rather than lambasting people's tastes, you might've argued that [xyz] anime is really great, thus enlightening us all. Also, assuming people "go straight to Adult Swim" for their anime is not too kind. (Myself, I don't even have cable TV.) The beauty of anime (to me) is its freedom to, say, confound critical norms. So what if Inuyasha gets long? And maybe some people view Rurouni Kenshin in a broader way, considering the OAV and the manga. Maybe people simply love the characters. I mean, lighten up?
Plus, if you're trying to judge anime as a film critic, well, any film critic knows that plot is only one element of a story, and that character-driven stories can make for valid art. Try out some of Truffaut's writing on film; he's fun to read, not stuffy. Or at least tell us what is "good" anime.
Re Beethoven: I don't mean to get heavy about this, but he was "classical" because of the musical structure he worked within and, ultimately, advanced. (That structure was the sonata form.) He's probably as vital today as he was in the early 19th century, if not moreso. His 9th symphony is still really meaningful and timely. For instance, it was blasted by students during the Tiananmen protests and a big part of the rejoicing when the Wall fell. Less profoundly, it's in Eva and shows up in other anime and films. A lot of Beethoven's music is still so great. If he had lived in more recent times, who knows? I tend to think he'd be Marilyn Mason. But then, I'm kinda addled ...

marka Wrote:A lot of Beethoven's music is still so great.
I never said he wasn't great. I for one like classical music so...
Actually, I was reacting more to gubi-gubi. (Maybe if I were not so lazy and figured out how to stick parts of quotes into a reply, I would've been clearer.) I got the impression you liked classical music, which is cool in my book.
Andromeda18_ Wrote:The dark side of things?! Bring out a bad influence?! :confused: Care to elaborate?
I was simply talking about Inuyasha. If you've seen it, you'll know what I'm talking about.
marka Wrote:Re Beethoven: I don't mean to get heavy about this, but he was "classical" because of the musical structure he worked within and, ultimately, advanced. (That structure was the sonata form.) He's probably as vital today as he was in the early 19th century, if not moreso. His 9th symphony is still really meaningful and timely. For instance, it was blasted by students during the Tiananmen protests and a big part of the rejoicing when the Wall fell. Less profoundly, it's in Eva and shows up in other anime and films. A lot of Beethoven's music is still so great. If he had lived in more recent times, who knows? I tend to think he'd be Marilyn Mason. But then, I'm kinda addled ... 
I was saying that Andromeda's point doesn't really fit. If you took Beethoven and placed him in our time frame then he wouldn't be popular outside of followers of classical music. That's because it's been done and done well by him already. He took it to new levels and that is why he is so well known. If you put U2 like Andromeda said in his time they wouldn't be popular either if they played their music but that's because noone would of heard anything like it. Music progresses and you have to hear what has gone before to appreiciate it (hence why Beethoven is so popular). But if good musicians of today were born in Beethovens time then it is likely they would be pioneers of classical instead of rock or whatever because that was the music of the time.
Actually, I think U2 would've been popular in the early 1800s or so, just because they would've looked cute in powdered wigs. (Just kidding.) If Beethoven time-traveled here near the end of his life (which I guess you mean, as you say the music would've been done and done well by him already), I've no idea how he'd make out, but I don't think he'd like the ROD OAV.

Anyways, thanks for the explanation.
Sorry I misled this thread. Where's the one who started it, so we find out what's "good" anime?
Well it looks like this thread got a little off topic but that’s fine because I’ve played the piano for 13 years so I appreciate music pretty well. And for the anime list I own here it is (not everything I own is a great anime. for those of you who have seen these you will know which ones i'm talking about):
Blue Gender
Cromartie High School
Full Metal Panic
Golden Boy
Najica: Blitz Tactics
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Steel Angel Karumi
Those Who Hunt Elves
Wild Arms
Aquarian Age
Ghost in the Shell 1 and 2
Armitage III
Spirited Away
Princess Mononoke
Castle in the Sky
Grave of the Fireflies
Howl’s Moving Castle
swmaxxx Wrote:Well it looks like this thread got a little off topic but that?s fine because I?ve played the piano for 13 years so I appreciate music pretty well. And for the anime list I own here it is (not everything I own is a great anime. for those of you who have seen these you will know which ones i'm talking about):
Least you got one title everyone should see with CHS
Blue Gender
Cromartie High School
Full Metal Panic
Golden Boy
Najica: Blitz Tactics
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Steel Angel Karumi
Those Who Hunt Elves
Wild Arms
Aquarian Age
Ghost in the Shell 1 and 2
Armitage III
Spirited Away
Princess Mononoke
Castle in the Sky
Grave of the Fireflies
Howl?s Moving Castle
How are any of those titles rare or underground that you've had to sniff out? The movies are pretty damn basic and have been shown on TV and in cinemas. The TV section looks like the bargain bin at any dvd store. I don't think you have the right to judge anyone elses tastes in anime.
the idea that something that is popular is talented is stupid. Sorry if that offends anyone but its true. There are ways to measure whether something is a masterpiece or not. Such as a movie like citizen Kane which is revolutionary is very good while a movie like well i dunno just a really bad movie i was gonna say jaw breaker but not many people have seen that probally. But there are ways to tell when something is talented and when it is not. Just like in music there are people who are amazing at guitar and they are definately better then someone who can hardly play the guitar and even if more people like the people who can't play guitar hardly at all the person who is playing guitar has less talent and therefore isnt as good. It's a nice thought to think that if someone says this is great or that is great and not say its based off their oppinion that they can be true but because someone else says no thats not its crap then obviously one person needs to be right or both need to be wrong but both can't be right.
There are movies and music that is extremely well done. Case and point (last exile) is very well done as far as character developement,animation and so forth. That is definately better then certain other animes just as certain episodes of an anime series are better then other episodes.
Im not saying oppinion is totally uimportant but just because someone says this show is great or this show sucks doesen't mean they are right or wrong.
Beethoven was an amazing composer considering he was deaf and his music is some of the more difficult classical music out there.
So yeah thats what i have to say
Cyrus Wrote:Such as a movie like citizen Kane which is revolutionary is very good while a movie like well i dunno just a really bad movie i was gonna say jaw breaker but not many people have seen that probally.
Citizen Kane is boring as hell. BUT it was revolutionary in the way it was shot. Orson Welles had a vision and demanded technology caught up with it and invented new techniques and lenses used today. If someone says its a crap film then are they wrong? Is it crap because of story or because of its place in film history? To watch it now it doesn't blow you away because of all the techniques it created are used so much today but if you watched it when it first came out then it would of been amazing... It's a tough call.